Services in Operator Advisor > Work Definition Connector Thing Shape Services
Work Definition Connector Thing Shape Services
The following services are found on the work definition connector thing shape (PTC.SCA.SCO.WorkDefinitionConnectorThingShape):
ExtractURLContentsFromDocuments—Used internally by other services Not intended for standalone use.
Input parameters: documentsByOperation (JSON)
Output: result (JSON)
Fetch2DThumbnailsFromOperationIds—Retrieves a list of the 2D thumbnail images associated with one or more Windchill operation identifiers.
Input parameters: operationIds (JSON)
Output: result (JSON)
FetchAllocatedPartsFromOperationIds—Retrieves a list of parts allocated to the specified list of Windchill operation identifiers. You can also specify a process plan navigation criteria identifier or a related assembly navigation criteria identifier to further filter your results.
Input parameters:
operationIds (JSON)
processPlanNavigationCriteriaId (String)
relatedAsemblyNavigationCriteriaId (String)
Output: result (JSON)
FetchBOMFromPartId—Retrieves the BOM (bill of material) associated with the specified Windchill part identifier. You can also specify a navigation criteria identifier to further filter your results.
Input parameters:
partId (String)
navigationCriteriaId (String)
Output: result (JSON)
FetchBOPFromProcessPlanId—Retrieves the BOP (bill of process) associated with the specified Windchill process plan identifier. You can also specify a process plan navigation criteria identifier or a related assembly navigation criteria identifier to further filter your results. Note that out-of-the-box, this service gets all operations, process plans, and standard procedures in a Bill of Procedures (BOP) up to ten levels deep.
Input parameters:
processPlanId (String)
processPlanNavigationCriteriaId (String)
relatedAsemblyNavigationCriteriaId (String)
Output: result (JSON)
FetchDescribedByDocumentsFromOperationIds—Retrieves a list of the latest described-by documents associated with one or more Windchill operation identifiers.
Input parameters: operationIds (JSON)
Output: result (JSON)
FetchIllustrationsFromOperationIds—Retrieves a list of all illustrations associated with one or more Windchill operation identifiers.
Input parameters: operationIds (JSON)
Output: result (JSON)
FetchPartsFromNumber—Retrieves a list of all parts associated with a Windchill part number.
Input parameters: partNumber (String)
Output: result (JSON)
FetchProcessMaterialsFromOperationIds—Retrieves a list of all process materials associated with one or more Windchill operations specified by identifiers.
Input parameters:
operationIds (JSON)—Windchill operation OID list; format:
{"value": [oid_1, oid_2, ...]}
processPlanNavigationCriteriaId (String)
relatedAsemblyNavigationCriteriaId (String)
Output: A list of process materials and corresponding operation links (JSON), format:
{"ConsumedResourcesAndLinks": [{"ProcessMaterial": {...}, "OperationToConsumableLink": {...}, "operationOid" : oid_1}, ...]}
FetchProcessPlansFromPartId—Retrieves a list of all process plans associated with a Windchill part identifier.
Input parameters: partId (String)
Output: result (JSON)
FetchProcessPlansFromProcessPlanNumber—Retrieves a list of all process plans associated with a Windchill process plan number.
Input parameters: processPlanNumber (String)
Output: result (JSON)
FetchReferenceDocumentsFromOperationIds—Retrieves a list of all reference documents associated with one or more Windchill operation identifiers.
Input parameters: operationIds (JSON)
Output: result (JSON)
FetchResourcesFromOperationIds—Used internally by other services. Not intended for standalone use.
Input parameters:
operationIds (JSON)
relatedAssemblyNavigationCriteriaId (String)
processPlanNavigationCriteriaId (String)
resourceType (String)
linkType (String)
consumedResultKey (String)
Output: result (JSON)
FetchSkillsFromOperationIds—Retrieves a list of all skills associated with one or more Windchill operations specified by identifiers.
Input parameters:
operationIds (JSON)—Windchill operation OID list; format:
{"value": [oid_1, oid_2, ...]}
processPlanNavigationCriteriaId (String)—Windchill process plan navigation criteria OID
relatedAsemblyNavigationCriteriaId (String)—Windchill related assembly navigation criteria OID
Output: A list of skills and corresponding operation links (JSON); format:
{"ConsumedResourcesAndLinks": [{"Skill": {...},
"OperationToConsumableLink": {...}, "operationOid" : oid_1}, ...]}
FetchStandardCCsFromOperationIds—Retrieves a list of all standard control characteristics associated with one or more Windchill operations specified by identifiers.
Input parameters:
operationIds (JSON)—Windchill operation OID list; format:
{"value": [oid_1, oid_2, ...]}
processPlanNavigationCriteriaId (String)—Windchill process plan navigation criteria OID
relatedAsemblyNavigationCriteriaId (String)—Windchill related assembly navigation criteria OID
Output: A list of standard control characteristics (JSON); format:
{"std_ccs": [{"op_oid": oid_1, "odata_std_ccs": [{ StandardCC OData Entity }, ...]}, ...]}
FetchToolingsFromOperationIds—Retrieves a list of all toolings associated with one or more Windchill operations specified by identifiers.
Input parameters:
operationIds (JSON)—Windchill operation OID list; format:
{"value": [oid_1, oid_2, ...]}
processPlanNavigationCriteriaId (String)—Windchill process plan navigation criteria OID
relatedAsemblyNavigationCriteriaId (String)—Windchill related assembly navigation criteria OID
Output: A list of toolings and corresponding operation links (JSON); format:
{"ConsumedResourcesAndLinks": [{"Tooling": {...}, "OperationToConsumableLink": {...}, "operationOid" : oid_1}, ...]}
FetchWorkCentersFromOperationIds—Retrieves a list of all work centers associated with one or more Windchill operations specified by identifiers.
Input parameters:
operationIds (JSON)—Windchill operation OID list; format:
{"value": [oid_1, oid_2, ...]}
processPlanNavigationCriteriaId (String)—Windchill process plan navigation criteria OID
relatedAsemblyNavigationCriteriaId (String)—Windchill related assembly navigation criteria OID
Output: A list of work centers and corresponding operation links (JSON); format:
{"ConsumedResourcesAndLinks": [{"WorkCenter": {...},
"OperationToWorkCenterLink": {...}, "operationOid" : oid_1}, ...]}
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