Installing Operator Advisor > Upgrading Operator Advisor > Upgrading a System with Both Operator Advisor and ThingWorx Apps to 8.5.0
Upgrading a System with Both Operator Advisor and ThingWorx Apps to 8.5.0
Upgrading a system with both Operator Advisor and ThingWorx Apps is supported from Operator Advisor 8.4.1 and 8.4.3 and ThingWorx Apps 8.4.3.
If your system has an Operator Advisor release earlier than 8.4.1, you must upgrade to Operator Advisor 8.4.1 before upgrading to Operator Advisor 8.5.0.
If your system has a ThingWorx Apps release earlier than 8.4.3, you must upgrade to ThingWorx Apps 8.4.3 before upgrading to Operator Advisor 8.5.0.
Complete the following steps to upgrade a system on which both Operator Advisor and ThingWorx Apps are installed.
1. Complete the following sections of the Upgrading from ThingWorx Apps 8.4 instructions in the ThingWorx Apps Help Center:
"Before Beginning the Upgrade Process"
"Before Upgrading ThingWorx"
"Upgrading ThingWorx"
Steps 1 through 6 of "Upgrading ThingWorx Apps"
2. Update the database tables:
For a Postgres database, run the following commands:
ALTER TABLE joborder ALTER COLUMN actualstarttime TYPE timestamptz;
ALTER TABLE joborder ALTER COLUMN actualendtime TYPE timestamptz;
ALTER TABLE joborder ALTER COLUMN plannedstarttime TYPE timestamptz;
ALTER TABLE joborder ALTER COLUMN plannedendtime TYPE timestamptz;
ALTER TABLE historicaldata ALTER COLUMN timestamp TYPE timestamptz;
For a SQL Server database, run the following commands, replacing <schema> with twschema or the schema used for your database:
ALTER TABLE <schema>.joborder ALTER COLUMN actualstarttime DATETIMEOFFSET;
ALTER TABLE <schema>.joborder ALTER COLUMN actualendtime DATETIMEOFFSET;
ALTER TABLE <schema>.joborder ALTER COLUMN plannedstarttime DATETIMEOFFSET;
ALTER TABLE <schema>.joborder ALTER COLUMN plannedendtime DATETIMEOFFSET;
ALTER TABLE <schema>.historicaldata ALTER COLUMN timestamp DATETIMEOFFSET;
3. Navigate to the database thing corresponding to your database: PTC.SCA.SCO.PostgresDatabase or PTC.SCA.SCO.MSSQLDatabase.
4. Under Configuration, set the JDBC Settings appropriately for your database.
Before configuring your database thing, ensure that the necessary JDBC drivers are present in ThingWorx. ThingWorx can use JDBC drivers to connect to any JDBC compatible database (such as SQL Server, MySQL, and so on). This can also be done using theThingWorx Edge MicroServer and the ThingWorx Host/Resource using OLEDB and ODBC if the database happens to be behind a firewall. If a JDBC extension does not exist in ThingWorx for your database, you can manually add the JDBC driver by downloading the driver and adding the files to the following location: /<Tomcat folder>/webapps/Thingworx/WEB-INF/lib. After copying the driver, you must restart your ThingWorx server. For more information, see JDBC Extensibility in the ThingWorx Help Center.
5. Click Save to save the database thing.
6. Navigate to the PTC.Factory.C_LaunchPointConfigurationThing_[ReleaseVersion] thing.
7. Under Configuration, in the DatabaseConfigurationSettings section, edit the DBConnection field to point to the database thing you configured in step 3.
8. Click Save to save the launch point configuration thing.
9. Navigate to the PTC.SCA.SCO.OAMigrator thing.
10. Under Services, execute the migration service appropriate for the release from which you are upgrading:
If upgrading from 8.4.1, execute the MigrateFrom_8_4_1_To_8_5_0 service.
If upgrading from 8.4.3, execute the MigrateFrom_8_4_3_To_8_5_0 service. (8.4.3 is a limited release, not available from the PTC Software Download page)
The service has completed successfully when "No results" displays in the service output pane.
11. If you had added pre-action and post-action services on the PTC.SCA.SCO.DefaultPreActionValidator or PTC.SCA.SCO.DefaultPostActionHandler things on your source system, follow the instructions in Pre- and Post-Action Event Dispatching and Validation to duplicate the new PTC.SCA.SCO.PreActionValidator and PTC.SCA.SCO.PostActionHandler things and add your services to the duplicates.
12. The MPMLink OData connector thing (PTC.SCA.SCO.MPMLink_ODataConnector) has been updated for 8.5. Make a duplicate of the updated thing and configure it following the instructions in Configuring the MPMLink OData Connector.
13. Complete step 7 and steps 9 through 18 of the "Upgrading ThingWorx Apps" section of Upgrading from ThingWorx Apps 8.4 in the ThingWorx Apps Help Center.
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