Create Activity
Launch the Create Activity screen by clicking Create on the Activities screen. From the Create Activity screen, enter a name for the activity, start time, and end time, and click Add to create a new activity. An optional description can also be entered.
Create Activity screen
Mashup and Widgets
The PTC.SCA.SCO.CreateActivity mashup defines the Create Activity screen. The mashup uses Label, Button, and Text Box widgets:
Label widgets are used for the Create Activity page heading, and to provide the hint text appearing over each of the fields.
Button widgets are used for the Add and Cancel buttons.
Text Box widgets are used to define the Name, Start Time, and End Time fields.
The mashup uses the following services from the PTC.SCA.SCO.ShiftManagementUtils thing:
CreateWorkActivities—Creates a new activity based on the information entered.
IsFieldEmpty—Validates if a required field in the screen is empty.
IsTimeValid, IsTimeValid1—Validates that the time value is entered in a valid format. An instance of the service is present for each time field (Start Time and End Time).
ValidateActivities—Validates that all required fields for the activity are not null and that the values entered are valid.
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