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The value display consists of an optional label (referred to as the KEY in the key / label data pair of the property display component) and a display area in which to display a formatted value.


The value display web component displays the data formats text, password, checkbox, image, link and html natively, either using other PTCS web components (ptcs-label, ptcs-textfield, ptcs-checkbox, ptcs-image (indirectly via ptcs-modal-image-popup), ptcs-link—respectively), or as plain HTML.

The native type values are

  • text
  • image
  • html
  • link
  • password
  • checkbox

Usage Examples

Text Value

<ptcs-value-display label = "A Famous Quote"
                    data  = "Veni, vidi, vici"></ptcs-value-display>
See the demo page for many additional examples with bound type.

Component API

The value display grows to accommodate its content. You can constrain the value display area using maximum width / height or by setting a fixed size.


Property Type Description
backdropColor String The modal backdrop color
backdropOpacity Number The modal backdrop opacity, a value betwenn 0-1.0
data Object The data to display
defaultText String Fallback textual contents to show when there is no data to display
disabled Boolean Is the value display disabled?
height Number Fixed height in pixels for the value display
horizontalAlignment String Horizontal alignment within the display area: left, center, right (default: left)
verticalAlignment String Vertical alignment within the display area: flex-start, center, flex-end (default: flex-start)
itemMeta Object The type of the data to display (default: {type: 'text'). If you are running inside of MashupBuilder application you must use {baseType: 'NUMBER'} instead: This will apply default MashupBuilder formatter rules. baseType can be any type supported by MashupBuilder. Using it will override selector attribute described above. You should use only one of type or baseType
label String The (key) label of the data value
labelAlignment String Horizontal alignment of the key label: left, center, right (default: left)
maxHeight Number Maximum height in pixels for the value display
maxWidth Number Maximum width in pixels for the value display
modalHeight Number Height of the general modal pop-up (not image), default: 600
modalWidth Number Width of the general modal pop-up (not image), default: 380
selector Any Selector for the value holder. If null the value is data; if the selector is of type string it identifies the name of the property in data that holds the value; otherwise it is interpreted as a function name to apply on data
textWrap Boolean Allow text content to wrap in the value?
tooltip String Tooltip text for the value display. In addition to any tooltip text on the web component itself, the tooltip will be populated from truncation overflow (when the value is truncated with ellipsis on account of size constraints)
tooltipIcon String Icon for the tooltip text
twNumberFormatToken String Format numbers according to TWX localization token. Ex.:
overflowOption String Controls display of overflow using disclosure button (default), 'Show More' textual link, or horizontal ellipsis with content truncation. Corresponding values are disclosure, showmore, and ellipsis (respectively)
valueDisplayType String One of the pre-defined label types (header, sub-header, label, or body)
width Number Fixed width in pixels for the value display

The value display uses ptcs-value-container to render the value. This has following properties (propagated from its parent ptcs-value-display):

Property Type Description
alignment String Horizontal alignment of the value: left, center, right (default: left)
backdropColor String The modal backdrop color (default: #232b2d). This is for the image pop-up.
backdropOpacity Number The modal backdrop opacity, a value between 0-1.0 (default: 0.6). This is for the image pop-up.
disabled Boolean Is the value display disabled?
height Number Fixed height in pixels. This constraint is used to scale the image thumbnail.
itemMeta Object Defines container type (text, checkbox, password, image, link, html, function). Should be one of two kinds: {type: 'text') or : {baseType='NUMBER'}. When baseType is used, the type is calculated automatically. baseType will work properly only when used in the MashupBuilder application. It accepts any baseType defined in the MashupBuilder
label String The key label for the value
labelHeight Number The height of the label above the value container; this is used to adjust the maximum available height accordingly
textWrap Boolean Allow text content to wrap in the value?
width Number Fixed width in pixels, This constraint is used to scale the image thumbnail.
maxWidth Number Maximum width in pixels. This constraint is used to scale the image thumbnail and applied on the key label as well.


Name Description
popup-close-action Triggered when clicking on close button of a pop-up


No methods



The ptcs-value-display has following parts:

Part Description
root The container for the value display
value-display-area The container for the are where the value is displayed
overflow-control A container to monitor overflow of the value
value-display-label The label above the value
disclosure-button-overlay This is used to cover the bottommost part of the display area on content overflow
disclosure-button-container The 34px x 34px hit area that contains the disclosure button
disclosure-button The disclosure button to reveal the contents in a pop-up
show-button The Show more button, an alternative to the disclosure button
text-link The container for the textual link (Show More / Show Less)
value-container The ptcs-value-container for the displayed value

Part popup-container is a child of <body>, shown when the disclosure button is clicked. It contains ptcs-value-display-popup that shows the key label and value as modal popup, without its inline size constraints.

Part Description
value-display-popup The container for the value display in the pop-up, used for centering purposes
live-contents-area-popup The container for the close button section (part popup-close-button-container), the key label in the pop-up (part value-display-label-popup, and the ptcs-value-container (part value-container-popup)
popup-close-button-container The 34px x 34px hit area that contains the close button
popup-close-button The button to close the pop-up
value-display-label-popup The key label in the pop-up modal dialog
value-container-popup The ptcs-value-container in the modal pop-up

The ptcs-value-container used in the value display has following parts:

Part Description
item-value The displayed value content holder
item-value-container The container for part=item-value

Custom Styling

The Show More disclosure link has the PTCS Base Theme primary background color set in the theme. If you were to use this component programmatically inside of your own component with another background color than the PTCS Base Theme, say yellow, you could override the background color of the "Show More" link (associated to part=show-button) in a couple of ways:

  1. By injecting a ptcs-style-unit into the DOM:

   <ptcs-style-unit wc="PTCS-VALUE-DISPLAY">
     :host(:not([_show-all])) [part~=show-button] {
     background-color: yellow;
     box-shadow: yellow 0px -8px 16px;
where the :host() predicate ensures to only apply the styling in the collapsed state when "Show More" is showing.

  1. Alternatively, you could use the CSS Shadow Parts Draft Specification ( syntax:
    ptcs-value-display::part(show-button) {
    background-color: yellow;
    box-shadow: yellow 0px -8px 16px;

This latter option only works well in browsers that have Shadow DOM support such as Chrome or Mozilla FireFox.

State attributes

Attribute Description Part
text-wrap Set when the value area contents should line wrap :host