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A ptcs-list displays a list. Each list item can have a main "value label" and an optional "meta label" that is displayed below the value. The list supports both single and multiple selection mode. You can filter the list items.

Usage Examples

Basic Usage

<ptcs-list items="[[items]]"></ptcs-list>

Multi selection list

<ptcs-list select-mode="multiple" items="[[items]]"></ptcs-list>

List using a filter

<ptcs-list filter items="[[items]]"></ptcs-list>

Component API


Property Type Description
alignment String Controls the alignment of items within the list. You can set it to 'right', 'left', or 'center'. Set to 'left' by default.
allowNoItemSelection Boolean Disables or enables the clear selection button for single items
autoSelectFirstRow Boolean Automatic select first item when items list is changed (true). No pre-defined selection otherwise
clearSelectionLabel String The text to show in the item used to clear selection in single selection mode (when allowNoItemSelection is true)
disabled Boolean Disables the list
filter Boolean Displays a text-field box that filters the list
hintText String The text for the "clear selection" label in single selection mode
itemMeta Object Determines the item type. You can set it to text, link, image, and checkbox.
items Array A JavaScript array that contains the list data
label String An optional label that appears above the list
labelAlignment String Controls the alignment of items within the list. You can set it to 'right', 'left', or 'center'. Set to 'left' by default.
labelType String A variant to use for the list label. Default is 'label'. You can set it to 'header', 'sub-header', and 'body'.
selectAllLabel String The text to display for the item used to select all items in the list. The item is displayed at the top of the list when no items are selected in multiple selection mode. Default value: "Select All"
clearSelectedItemsLabel String The text to display for the item used to clear all selections in the list. The item is displayed at the top of the list when one or more items are selected in multiple selection mode. Default value: "Clear Selected Items"
metaSelector Any The same as selector but selects the meta string instead. If metaSelector has false data, the meta string is not displayed.
multiLine Boolean Determines whether list items can be displayed across multiple lines.
multiSelect Boolean Enables multiple item selection
rowHeight String Sets the row height
selected Number If selectMode = "single" then selected contains the selected item, if any.
selectedIndexes Array An array with the indexes of the selected items
selectedItems Array An array with the selected items
selectedValue Object If selectMode = "single" then selectedValue contains the selected item's value (according to valueSelector), if any.
selector Any Selects a string from each item in items to be displayed as the list item label. If unassigned, items should be an array of strings. If a string then items should be an array of objects, where the selector specifies the (string) property to display. If a function, then the function is called with each item and should return a string that represents the item.
treatValueAsString Boolean Deprecated. Returns selectedValue as a string. Disabling the property returns the original object.
returnOriginalValue Boolean Returns selectedValue in the original object format when set to true and as a string when set to false.
valueSelector Any Selects a string from each item in items to display as the list item value. If unassigned, uses selector instead. If a string then items should be an array of objects, where selector specifies the (string) property to display. If a function, then the function is called with each item and should return a string that represents the item.
ownerTooltip String A tooltip from a list owner (a component that uses ptcs-list, e.g. ptcs-dropdown) to be shown as part of list item truncation overflow tooltip
ownerTooltipIcon String Icon for the owner tooltip
extraValidation Function Custom validation function to complement the component's client-side validation logic. This is invoked with the list component itself as parameter, so that it can use any ptcs-list property for custom validation. Can return true (= valid), false (= invalid), or undefined (ignore validation)
externalValidity String List validity as determined externally (server-side). Value: undefined, "unvalidated", "invalid", or "valid"
hideValidationCriteria Boolean Don't show validation criteria in unvalidated state?
hideValidationError Boolean Don't show validation error state?
hideValidationSuccess Boolean Don't show validation success state?
required Boolean Validation criterion: Must the list have a selection?
validationCriteria String The validation details message
validationCriteriaIcon String Icon for criteria state (unvalidated). Default: cds:icon_info
validationErrorIcon String Icon for error state (invalid). Default: cds:icon_error
validationMessage String The validation (title) message
validationSuccessDetails String The validation success details message
validationSuccessIcon String Icon for success state (valid). Default: cds:icon_success
validationSuccessMessage String The validation success (title) message. Default: "Success"


Name Data Description
DoubleClicked { index of clicked item } Triggered whenever double-click event occurs on any item


No methods



Part Description
root The container for list
label An optional list label above the list
list-container The list body container (everything but the label)
filter The filter text-field
filter-field The filter text-field
multi-select the container for the link control that allows the whole list to be selected or unselected in multi-select mode
link The select or un-select all link
list-item A list item in the list
item-checkbox The checkbox in multiple selection mode
item-value The value label in the list item
item-meta The meta label in the list item