A chip can be in an on or off state. When the chip is engaged, it toggles the state. The chip uses the ptcs-behavior-binary/ptcs-behavior-binary.html behavior.
The chip can optionally show a selection icon when it is in the on state.
Usage Examples¶
Basic Usage¶
<ptcs-chip checked="{{active}}" label="Show"></ptcs-chip>
Assigns the variable active to true when the chip state is on, and to false when it is off.
Explicit variable values¶
<ptcs-chip variable="{{tool}}" label="Use tool" value-on="knife" value-off="fork"></ptcs-chip>
Assigns the variable tool to "knife" whenever the chip is on and "fork" otherwise.
Start in on state (checked)¶
<ptcs-chip variable="{{tool}}" label="Use tool" value-on="knife" value-off="fork" checked></ptcs-chip>
Component API¶
Property | Type | Description | Triggers a changed event |
disabled | Boolean | Disables the chip | No |
label | String | The displayed label | No |
labelalign | String | Determines the position of the label relative to the selection icon: left (default) or right |
No |
labelMaxWidth | String | The maximum width of the label | No |
icon | String | An icon that appears when the chip is on. The default icon is a checkmark inside of a circle. | No |
iconSrc | String | A URL to an icon set from wich icon selects an icon |
No |
hideIcon | Boolean | Suppresses showing the selection icon | No |
state | Boolean | The current state. The state is on when set to true and off when set to false. | No |
checked | Boolean | The current state. The state is on when set to true and off when set to false. | No |
tooltip | String | The tooltip that appears when hovering over the checkbox | No |
tooltipIcon | String | The icon for the tooltip | No |
valueOff | any | The value that the chip assigns to variable when the chip is turned off. Default: false |
No |
valueOn | any | The value that the chip assigns to variable when the chip is turned on. Default: true |
No |
variable | any | The variable that the chip monitors and assigns. | No |
iconWidth | String | Sets a fixed width for the icon (both iconWidth and iconHeight should be set, otherwise the icon default size is set) | No |
iconHeight | String | Sets a fixed height for the icon (both iconWidth and iconHeight should be set, otherwise the icon default size is set) | No |
No methods
The Parts of a Component¶
Part | Description |
label | The container that contains the label |
icon | The icon of the chip that is displayed in the on state |
State attributes¶
Attribute | Description | Part |
checked | Current state (on: checked = true, off: checked = false) | :host |
disabled | Is the checkbox disabled? | :host |
hide-icon | Suppress showing the selection icon in the chip variant? | :host |
labelalign | The alignment of the button label. You can set it to left or right. The default is left. | :host |