Managing Assets
Managing Assets
ThingWorx utilities rely on the ThingWorx definition of an asset, including properties, events, and services that are associated with an asset.
The following ThingWorx Utilities help you manage and monitor your assets.
ThingWorx Asset Management — Allows you to monitor assets and their alerts
ThingWorx Alert Management — Allows you to view, filter, and acknowledge alerts.
ThingWorx Product Relationship Management — Allows you to create and track customers. ThingWorx Utilities includes a Salesforce plugin that allows you to import customer information from Salesforce into ThingWorx Utilities.
ThingWorx Software Content Management (Admin Only) — Allows you to deploy packages (ZIP and Lua scripts and other arbitrary files) to connected assets using the ThingWorx Websocket-based Edge MicroServer (WSEMS) or instruction files to connected Axeda assets using the eMessage Connector.
Terms Used
A special type of event defined by expressions on property values in thing shapes, thing templates, and things.
A remote thing (for example, a device) connected to ThingWorx that is set up to exchange data over the internet.
A change in state of the value of a property defined in thing shapes, thing templates, and things.
Represents the behavior of the actual thing or process that you are modeling. Services are used to create connections, define a custom action, or automate a process defined in thing shapes, thing templates, and things.