Exporting Audit Data (Admin Only)
Exporting Audit Data (Admin Only)
ThingWorx Audit Management allows you to export audit entries to a .json file.
By default, the Audit Subsystem is disabled for a new installation or an upgrade. System Administrators should refer to the installation guide or upgrade guide for your version of ThingWorx (8.2 and later). These documents are available on the ThingWorx Reference documentation page (Admin and Installation) on the PTC Support site for each release.
To export audit entries from ThingWorx, complete the following steps:
1. In the ThingWorx Utilities Console, click Audit Management to launch the ThingWorx Audit Management mashup.
2. Click Start Date and End Date to specify the date range for which you want to export the audit entries.
If you select a date in the future, either of the error messages is displayed: Invalid Start Date or Invalid End Date.
3. Click Export Audit.
This downloads a zip file to your default downloads directory. Extract the contents of this zip file. The .json file is available in the extracted zip folder under the <Zip-Folder>\AuditArchive\export directory.
Every audit message in this .json file has the following format:
"rows": [
"auditCategory": "CATEGORY",
"sourceType": "SOURCE_TYPE",
"source": "SOURCE",
"message": "MESSAGE",
"user": "USER_NAME",
For information about the possible values of different parameters in the audit message, see the “Audit Subsystem” topic in the ThingWorx Help Center.