ThingWorx Analytics Extension > Perform Post Installation Configuration for Analytics Manager > Load Quality of Service Initial Data
Load Quality of Service Initial Data
Before you use the in-built flexible scaling capability, complete the following steps to load constraints to the mashup:
You need to complete the following steps only once per ThingWorx Analytics Extension installation.
1. In ThingWorx Composer, click in the left navigation panel.
2. In the left panel, choose SYSTEM > Resources.
The Resources panel is displayed on the right.
3. In the list of resources, search for the TW.AnalysisServices.CapacityManagementServicesAPI resource.
4. Select the check box next to the resource, and click View.
5. Navigate to Services, and click in the Execute column for the LoadQoSInitialData service.
6. There are no inputs required for this service, so click Execute to launch the configuration service.
No message is displayed in the Output pane.
7. Click Done.