Analytics Manager > Feeding Simulated Data through Analytics Manager
Feeding Simulated Data through Analytics Manager
The Analytics Manager framework supports using an analysis model as a digital data simulator. The analysis model can be used to simulate behavior of an asset and then send the simulated data into the Thing Model for visibility across multiple stakeholders. To accomplish this task, complete the following steps:
1. Create a “virtual” thing in ThingWorx.
2. Identify the scenarios that you want to execute on the analysis model and the data from the analysis model that must be fed into the Thing Model.
3. Create an analysis model.
Ensure that the results of the analysis model include all the data that is expected to be sent to the Thing Model.
4. Create an analysis event from the defined analysis model.
Use the mapping functionality of analysis events to map results from the analysis model into the Thing Model.
5. If required, connect a simulation session with the analysis event, and execute simulation on the analysis model to build up the result data in Analytics Manager.
6. Execute the simulation using the analysis model to build up the required data from sending to Analytics Manager.
7. Invoke the analysis event to send the results of the analysis model back to the Thing Model.
Creating a simulation model in Analytics Manager has the following advantages:
Create applications that allow connectivity of simulation tools with the ThingWorx Platform.
View expected behavior of a new application.
Use the simulation data to create a ThingWorx product or IoT application.
Leverage the simulation data as inputs to machine learning models.
Create predictive models that predict asset behaviors and augment data collection of physical prototypes.