Analytics Manager > Working with Analysis Models > Manage an Analysis Model
Manage an Analysis Model
After you have created an analysis model, you can edit, view, or delete the analysis model.
Edit an Analysis Model
You can edit a model only if it does not have any jobs or events associated with it. You cannot edit a model in the enabled state.
Complete the following steps to edit an analysis model:
1. From the left navigation pane, select Analysis Models.
2. On the Analysis Models page, select the analysis model that you want to edit, and click Edit.
3. Update the information in the Edit Analysis Model window. For information about different fields in the Edit Analysis Model window, see Create an Analysis Model.
4. Click Save.
View an Analysis Model
Complete the following steps to view information about an analysis model:
1. From the left navigation pane, select Analysis Models.
2. On the Analysis Models page, select the analysis model for which you want to view information, and click View.
The information page of the selected model is displayed. You can view the following information about the analysis model that you selected:
Click Information to view the General Information page. This page provides information that you entered while creating the model.
Click Data Shapes to view the Model Data Shapes page. This page provides complete information about the fields in the input data shape and the result data shape.
Click Test to test the analysis model that you created. For more information, see Test an Analysis Model.
3. If you want, you can edit the analysis model that you have selected. In the Actions list, click Edit to edit the analysis model.
4. Depending on whether your model is disabled or enabled, in the Actions list, click Enable or Disable.
Delete an Analysis Model
You can delete an analysis model only if it does not have any jobs, or events associated with it.
Complete the following steps to delete an analysis model:
1. From the left navigation pane, select Analysis Models.
2. On the Analysis Models page, select the analysis model that you want to delete, and click Delete.
3. When you are prompted for confirmation, click Yes in the Confirm Action window.