ThingWorx Analytics Installation > ThingWorx Analytics Windows Installation > Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting a Platform Analytics Installation
Troubleshooting a Platform Analytics Installation
In the troubleshooting commands described below, the default installation directory is assumed to be the following:
C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalytics\PlatformAnalytics
If your installation directory is different, adjust the commands accordingly.
To Start and Stop Services from a Command Line
1. On the Windows computer where your Platform Analytics is installed, open the Windows PowerShell, or a Command Prompt, in Administrator mode.
2. Navigate to the installation bin directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalytics\PlatformAnalytics\bin
3. Use the twpas.bat utility to run any of the following commands on Platform Analytics:
Stop the server: .\twpas.bat stop
Starts the server: .\twpas.bat start
To Start or Restart Services from the Local Services List
1. Navigate to the local services on your computer. The path to these services will vary based on your version of Windows. (Example: Administrative Tools > Services)
2. In the list of services, select any of the following services:
Several options are displayed on the left for the selected service, including:
Start – starts a microservice that is not running
Restart – stops a running microservice and restarts it
3. Click an option to start or restart a service.
To Check the Status of Services from the Local Services List
1. Navigate to the local services on your computer. The path to these services will vary based on your version of Windows. (Example: Administrative Tools > Services)
2. In the list of services, locate any of the following services and check the value of the Status column:
To Check Component Logs
Component logs are available at the following path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalytics\PlatformAnalytics\logs
For more detailed information about component log files and about logging levels, see Component Log Files
Enable 8dot3 Short File Names in the Installation Directory
By default, Windows 8.3 file name creation is enabled on each system drive. 8dot3 file naming generates short aliases for longer file names that contain spaces. For example, a short alias for “Program Files” is created as “Progra~1.” If, for some reason, short file names have been disabled on the directory where you install Platform Analytics, errors can occur. In some cases errors are reported in the install log. In other cases, the installation appears successful but errors are reported for individual services.
To determine if errors are caused by missing 8dot3 short file names, follow these steps to verify whether or not 8dot3 file name creation is enabled:
1. Open a command line prompt.
2. Navigate to the Platform Analytics installation directory.
3. Execute the following command: dir /x
If 8dot3 file name creation is enabled, the resulting output should list both long and short file names.
If the above procedure shows that 8dot3 file naming is disabled, use the fsutil command to generate the necessary short file names. For information about specific errors related to 8dot3 file naming, and possible resolutions, see article CS300197 entitled, Windows Installer Error - "Error running cmd /c powershell...".
For additional information about 8dot3 file naming, see the Microsoft website article: Fsutil 8dot3name.