Property Transforms > Using the Property Transform Sample Mashup > Sample Mashups for Statistical Monitoring Transformations
Sample Mashups for Statistical Monitoring Transformations
The display for each of the following statistical monitoring Property Transform types, includes some additional information:
Threshold Count
Range Count
Trend Count
These transformations represent collections of values that behave in some specified way with respect to defined limits. On the left, a set of property attributes is listed along with several graph controls. The specific controls available depends on the type of transformation displayed:
Enable AutoRefresh – When selected, the graph refreshes itself every five seconds. To stop the refresh, unselect the check box. Available for all count transformations.
Must be consecutive – A read only check box that indicates whether or not values that meet the transformation definition must occur consecutively. Applies to threshold and range counts.
Include Minimum or Maximum – A read only check box that indicates whether or not the minimum or maximum value can be included in the count. Applies to threshold and range counts.
Minimum number of Property Values – The dashed, black time window lines will display only where at least this number of values meet the transformation definition.
On the right, a graph shows the following information:
Blue line – data from the source property, with each blue point representing a value
If you hover your mouse over the blue points, the value is displayed along with the date and time it occurred.
Red line – represents the limit in a threshold count and the upper and lower limits in a range count
Dashed black lines – time windows where at least the specified minimum number of property values meets the property transform definition
See the samples below.
Y axis – shows the minimum and maximum values of the source property
Above Threshold Count Sample
For a transformation that is monitoring values above a threshold, the dashed black lines show time windows where at least the specified number of points have a value above the threshold.
threshold count sample
In Range Count Sample
For a transformation that is monitoring in-range values, the dashed black lines show time windows where at least the specified number of points have values within the range.
range count sample
Increasing Trend Count Sample
For a transformation that is monitoring ascending trend values, the dashed black lines show time windows where at least the specified number of points are ascending in value.
trend count sample