Anomaly Detection > Implementing Anomaly Detection > Migrate Anomaly Alerts and Models from Earlier Releases > Migrate ThingWorx and ThingWorx Analytics Servers
Migrate ThingWorx and ThingWorx Analytics Servers
1. Follow the procedure in the ThingWorx Upgrade Guide to update your ThingWorx server.
Be sure to use the migration procedure to update the ThingWorx server, and not the in-place upgrade procedure.
2. Before you delete the ThingworxStorage and ThingworxBackupStorage folders, export ThingWorx entities using the To ThingWorx Storage option.
Export Options
3. Migrate, deploy, and start the new ThingWorx server.
Do not import your entities and data back into ThingWorx yet.
4. Upgrade your ThingWorx Analytics server. For information, see Upgrade from an Earlier Version for either a Linux Installation or a Windows installation.
5. Configure the Anomaly Detection functionality in your new ThingWorx server. Specifically, configure the AlertProcessingSubsystem to point to your new ThingWorx Analytics Server. For more information, see Preparing ThingWorx for Anomaly Detection.