FactoryTalk Analytics Integration > Configure HDFS > Unauthenticated Configuration
Unauthenticated Configuration
1. Create an XML configuration file with the properties listed below. Save the file in your ThingWorx Analytics installation directory or in a repository that is accessible to your ThingWorx Analytics Server.
fs.defaultFS – The URI of the default HDFS file system.
hadoop.security.authentication – The type of authentication to use. Valid values are simple or kerberos. For an unauthenticated environment, use simple, which means no authentication.
Sample configuration file: /opt/hadoop/etc/hadoop/hdfs-client-conf.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2. For each ThingWorx Analytics service that requires HDFS access, edit the Java command line to include the following additional parameter:
-Dhdfs.config.url=filepath – Indicates the location of the configuration file
Adjust the file path to reflect your installation and your operating system. For information about how to edit the parameter, see Editing Java Command Line Parameters.
For a list of the services that require HDFS access, see Services to Configure.