Anomaly Detection > Implementing Anomaly Detection > Migrate Anomaly Alerts and Models from Earlier Releases > Final Steps
Final Steps
Final Steps
A few final steps are necessary to complete the model migration process and start using your upgraded Anomaly Detection functionality.
1. Return to the migration procedure in the ThingWorx Upgrade Guide and import your ThingWorx entities and data back into ThingWorx. These are the entities and data you exported using the To ThingWorx Storage option earlier in your ThingWorx server migration.
2. The old external Anomaly Detection Training and Results services are no longer necessary and should be stopped. In the tables below, select the appropriate stop commands for your environment and run them.
For Docker Installed Services
Training microservice
docker stop <training_container_name>
Example: docker stop training-standalone
Result microservice
docker stop <result_container_name>
Example: docker stop result-standalone
For JAR Installed Services on Unix
Training microservice
kill $(ps -e | grep 'training-standalone' | awk '{print $1}')
Result microservice
kill $(ps -e | grep 'result-standalone' | awk '{print $1}')
For JAR Installed Services on Windows
Navigate to the local services on your computer. The path can vary depending on the Windows version, for example the path may be Administrative Tools > Services. In the list of services, locate the appropriate twas service.
Training microservice
Stop the twas-training-ms service.
Result microservice
Stop the twas-results-ms service.