Disable/Enable Automatic Startup
By default, all of the ThingWorx Analytics Server services are started whenever the server is started or restarted. You can disable this automatic behavior by following the steps below.
1. From the Windows Start menu, navigate to ThingWorx Analytics Server and expand it.
2. Click Disable Autostart.
The system disables the autostart behavior of each service.
3. To verify the update for each service:
◦ Navigate to the local services on your computer. The path to these services will vary based on your version of Windows. (Example: > )
◦ Check the value in the Startup Type column for the relevant twas services. If the automatic startup has been disabled, the Startup Type value will be Manual. If the automatic startup is still enabled, the value will be Automatic.
4. To re-enable the automatic startup behavior, repeat steps 1 – 3, but use the Enable Autostart option.