ThingWorx Analytics Installation > ThingWorx Analytics Linux Installation > Change the User Account
Change the User Account
During installation of Analytics components, the following default network account is created:
This default account is created for each of the installed components to use when running local services. However, an advanced option is available to override the default account during installation and specify a different user account.
To override the default account, add the following to your installation command: --user_account <name>
The user account provided for override must belong to a user that already exists in the system.
Depending on which installer and installation mode you are using, your installation command should look like one of the following.
For the Analytics Server installation
Text Mode or Graphical Mode:
./ThingWorxAnalytics-<n.n.n> --user_account <user_name>
Silent Mode:
./ThingWorxAnalytics-<n.n.n> --baseinstalldir "<base installation directory>" --unattendedmodeui minimalWithDialogs --mode unattended --accept_eula YES --THINGWORX_FOUNDATION_IP_ADDR <IP address or host name> --THINGWORX_FOUNDATION_PORT <Port where ThingWorx is running> --THINGWORX_APPKEY <valid ThingWorx App Key> --ANALYTICS_SERVER_THINGNAME <name for the AnalyticsServer Thing> --SSL_FOR_THINGWORX_CONNECTION <true/false> --UPLOAD_TWX_CERTIFICATE <true/false> --THINGWORX_CERTIFICATE_FILE_PATH <path to a PEM or CER certificate file> --THINGWORX_CERTIFICATE_ALIAS_NAME <alias name> --JAVA_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD <truststore password> --SSL_FOR_ANALYTICS_APIS <true/false> --ANALYTICS_SERVER_KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH "<path to keystore.jks file>" --ANALYTICS_SERVER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD <keystore password> --ANALYTICS_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_ALIAS_NAME <alias name> --HOST_ADDRESS <IP Adress or FQDN of the primary adapter on the Analytics Server> --JAVA_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD <truststore password> --user_account <user_name>
For the Platform Analytics installation
Text Mode or Graphical Mode:
./PlatformAnalytics-<n.n.n> --user_account <user_name>
Silent Mode:
./PlatformAnalytics-<n.n.n> --unattendedmodeui minimal --mode unattended -- accept_eula YES --baseinstalldir "<base installation directory>" --THINGWORX_FOUNDATION_IP_ADDR "<IP address or host name>" --THINGWORX_FOUNDATION_PORT "<Port where ThingWorx is running>" --THINGWORX_APPKEY "<valid ThingWorx App Key>" --USE_SSL "<true/false>" --RABBIT_MQ_USER_NAME_NEW "<user name>" --RABBIT_MQ_PASSWORD_NEW "<password>" --user_account <user_name>
Verify the User Account Change
To verify that the user account was overridden successfully, open the terminal window as root user and execute the following command:
ps -ef | grep java
Scroll through the listed jar files to ensure that the correct user account is displayed for each.