Exporting and Importing Anomaly Models
When exporting or importing a Template, Thing, or Thing Shape entity that has an anomaly alert defined on it, any associated anomaly models will also be exported or imported.
• Exporting – When an entity containing an anomaly alert is exported, the corresponding anomaly model is obtained from the Results microserver and encoded as part of the file being exported.
• Importing – When an entity containing an anomaly alert is imported, the corresponding anomaly model is decoded from the imported file and stored in the Results microserver.
There are multiple ways that data and entities can be exported and imported in ThingWorx. The export and import of anomaly models is supported for the following:
• Export to File (XML)
• Export to File (Binary)
• Export to ThingWorx Storage
• Export/Import Source Control Entities
For more information about these different export and import methods, see
Importing and Exporting in ThingWorx.