Anomaly Detection > Anomaly Alert Services
Anomaly Alert Services
The following Alert services are available in the Generic list on the Services page of any Thing where an anomaly alert is enabled:
Service Name
Shows the status of a specific alert on a specific property on a Thing.
Shows the status of all alerts on a all properties on a Thing.
Shows the status of all alerts on a specific property on a Thing.
Shows the training statistics for all alerts on all properties of a Thing. (Includes the number of cycles, number of validation cycles, Pearson Correlation, training start and stop times, and the alert status.)
Shows the training statistics for a specific alert on a specific property of a Thing.
Shows the training statistics for all alerts on a specific property of a Thing.
Sends an updated anomaly alert from a Thing back to the Thing Template or Thing Shape on which it was based.
Returns an active anomaly alert to the Calibrating status so that new data can be collected to build a new model and generate new validation data.
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