Uninstalling Components for Linux
Follow the steps below to uninstall Analytics components.
ThingWorx Analytics Server
This procedure uninstalls the components of the
ThingWorx Analytics Server installation. If you also want to remove the auto-generated Things created in the
ThingWorx, open
ThingWorx Composer, find your AnalyticsServer Thing, and use the
RetrieveAnalyticsServers service to find and delete the connected Things.
1. In a terminal window, navigate to the installed ThingWorxAnalytics/ThingWorxAnalyticsServer directory.
If your installation directory is different, for example because you’ve upgraded from a previous release, adjust your navigation accordingly. For more information, see Upgrade from an Earlier Version.
2. Run the following uninstall command, as root user: ./thingworx_analytics_server_uninstall
3. When prompted to confirm the uninstall command, type y.
The ThingWorx Analytics Server will be uninstalled from your system.
4. To ensure that all related files are removed, navigate to the ThingWorxAnalytics installation directory, and use the following command to delete the entire directory:
rm -rf <ThingWorxAnalyticsServer>
Deleting the entire directory is an optional step that will permanently delete all datasets, models, and analytics jobs. Before performing this step, consider whether you want to maintain this data for future use.
Analytics Extension
Removal of the
Analytics Extension must be handled through the Extension Manager in
ThingWorx Composer. Each extension and its dependencies has to be removed in a specific order. For information, see
Remove the Extension in the
ThingWorx Analytics Help Center.
Platform Analytics
1. In a terminal window, navigate to the installed opt/ThingWorxAnalytics/PlatformAnalytics directory.
2. Run the following uninstall command, as root user: ./platform_analytics_uninstall
3. When prompted to confirm the uninstall command, type y.
Descriptive Analytics and Property Transform will be uninstalled from your system.
4. To ensure that all related files are removed, navigate to the opt/ThingWorxAnalytics installation directory, and use the following command to delete the entire PlatformAnalytics subdirectory:
rm -rf <PlatformAnalytics>