Modify or Repair an Existing Analytics Server Installation
The current installation of the ThingWorx Analytics Server can be reinstalled for either of the following reasons:
• Modify – You want to add or remove components from your existing server installation.
• Repair – You need to repair a server installation that is not operating as expected.
To modify or repair the server via text mode installation, follow the
Text Mode Installation procedure and change the components you select in Step 3. To add a component, enter
y for
Yes and to remove a component, enter
n for
To modify or repair the server via silent mode installation, follow the
Silent Mode Installation procedure with one important exception. In order to selectively add or remove components from the installation, you must enable or disable them explicitly in the install command. For example, if you had previously installed only the Sync microservice but you now want to remove it but add the Async microservice, you will need to add the following parameters at the end of the install command:
--enable-components async --disable-components sync
When you modify or repair an installation, only configuration parameters you were prompted for during the original installation are persisted. Any custom configuration changes made to properties or service files are reset to their default values and must be manually reconfigured after the modify or repair.