JDK 8u141 64-bit (Java SE Development Kit)
In ThingWorx Analytics 8.4.5 and later, JDK 8u141 is required. Earlier releases of ThingWorx Analytics can use any JDK 8.x version.
Open JDK and Oracle are both supported. The Linux distribution must use systemd and the installer must have root permissions (log in as root user or use sudo). To ensure the Java environment variable is configured properly, do the following:
1. In a terminal window, enter the following command to check for the necessary Java environment variable:
If a valid path to your Java installation is returned, the variable is configured properly. If not, continue with the steps below to configure the variable.
2. Locate the directory of your Java installation.
The path to this installation can vary from one distribution of Linux to another. Common paths to check include:
However, it’s possible the Java installation is not in one of these common locations.
3. Open the following file in a text editor: /etc/profile
4. Add the following line to the end of the file and save the file:
export JAVA_HOME=<java_path>
Where <java_path> is the path to your JDK installation.
5. Log out of the terminal window and log back in.
6. To verify that the Java variable is configured properly, re-enter the following command:
If a valid path to your Java installation is returned, the variable is configured properly.
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