Analytics Manager > Working with Analysis Jobs > Manage an Analysis Job
Manage an Analysis Job
After a job has been submitted, you can view, retry, or delete a job.
After you submit a job, click Refresh Job to view the results of the job. You can also set the Refresh Job widget to On to query job results periodically.
Clear the Filter Completed Jobs check box to view all completed jobs.
Use the Add Filter to filter analysis jobs as per your requirement.
View an Analysis Job
Complete the following steps to view information about an analysis job:
1. From the left navigation pane, select Analysis Jobs.
2. On the Analysis Jobs page, select the analysis job for which you want to view information, and click View.
The information page of the selected model is displayed. You can view the following information about the analysis model that you selected:
Click Information to view the General Information page. This page provides complete information about the job.
Click Inputs to view the Inputs for the Analysis Job page. This page provides information about the job identity, input data shape, and the inputs to the job.
Click Results to view the Results from the Analysis Job page. This page provides information about the job identity, result data shape, and the results of the job.
The Result Files from Analysis Job section provides a download link to the result file, if applicable to the selected job.
3. If the job has not successfully executed, in the Actions list, click Retry to retry the job.
Retry an Analysis Job
You can retry only those jobs that are in the INPROCESS or FAILED state. You cannot retry jobs that are run in the simulation mode.
Complete the following steps to retry an analysis job:
1. From the left navigation pane, select Analysis Jobs.
2. On the Analysis Jobs page, select the analysis job that you want to retry, and click Retry.
3. When you are prompted for confirmation, click Yes in the Confirm Action window.
Delete Analysis Jobs
You can select and delete individual analysis jobs or set filters to delete multiple analysis jobs.
Complete the following steps to select and delete individual analysis jobs:
1. From the left navigation pane, select Analysis Jobs.
2. On the Analysis Jobs page, select a single analysis job or multiple analysis jobs that you want to delete, and click Delete.
You cannot delete jobs that are in the INPROCESS, ONHOLD, or WAITING state.
3. When you are prompted for confirmation, click Yes in the Confirm Action window.
Complete the following steps to set filters to delete analysis jobs:
1. From the left navigation pane, select Analysis Jobs.
2. On the Analysis Jobs page, click Delete by Filter.
The Delete Jobs by Filter window opens.
3. Set the correct filters according to your requirement. The following filters are available:
Not Equals
Job Creation Date
Use the time selector widget to select the appropriate dates.
Not Equals
Select the appropriate model from the list.
Not Equals
Select the appropriate provider from the list.
4. After you set the appropriate criteria, click Add Criteria to add the criteria to the table.
You can add multiple criteria at a time.
To remove any criteria that you have set, click Remove Criteria.
5. Click Delete to delete the jobs according to the criteria that you added.