릴리즈 정보 > 버전 8.5 릴리즈 정보 > Version 8.5.8 Release Notes
Version 8.5.8 Release Notes
The following bug fixes are part of ThingWorx 8.5.8.
Bug Fixes
Fixed potential security issues, including items proactively identified by vulnerability scanning software or PTC Quality Assurance testing. Please upgrade as soon as possible to take advantage of these important improvements.
PTC has recently implemented a new support policy with respect to Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions. Please see the appropriate eSupport center section for more information.
ThingWorx now supports PingFederate 9.3.3 Patch 5 and later within the 9.3.x minor version, in accordance with the PTC IAM Support Policy.
See this technical support article for important recommendations regarding the use and update of third-party software for ThingWorx.
Tracking Number
Fixed an issue that was preventing alert data from showing in the Alert history after changing the persistence provider.
Fixed an issue that was causing NPE errors when executing a service.
Added two APIs to EntityServices: GetEntityListByRegex and GetEntityListWithPermissionMaskByRegEx. Each of these API’s use REGEX expressions (only) instead of SQL search strings to filter and list entities. The original API, GetEntityList, remains unchanged
Added the GetOwner service that allows an administrator user to get an entity's owner. Refer to Ownership for more information.
Fixed an issue with the installer that was preventing the updated extensions from being imported after upgrade.
Fixed an issue where a Java-based Thing Shape service was being called instead of the implemented Thing Shape service.
Made the authnContextAsPassword parameter for SSO configurable in the sso-settings.json file.
Fixed an issue that was preventing ThingWorx from starting if a media entity table contained a large number of media files.
Mashup Builder
Tracking Number
Fixed an issue with the Collection widget that was preventing selected rows from being retained when data was triggered on auto refresh.
Added the CellAlternateStyle style property to the Collection widget to allow for alternate cell background colors.
Fixed an issue that was preventing a validator in a mashup from working correctly if it was created in 8.2.x and then upgraded to 8.5.5.
Fixed an issue with the Numeric Entry widget that was preventing an undefined value from being returned from an infotable.
Fixed an issue that was preventing buttons aligned with drop downs to align correctly in web components.
Fixed an issue that was causing the ptcs-value-display web component to display the wrong disclosure-button-overlay in Chrome.
Fixed an issue with Chart and Label widgets that was preventing text within carrot (< >) characters from displaying.
Fixed an issue with web components that was preventing the background color space between tabs from being set.
Known Issues and Workarounds
Mashup Builder
The Value property of Text Field and Text Area widgets is a redundant property that was removed, and is no longer listed on the Properties panel. When you open or import a mashup with existing bindings to the property, bindings may still appear on the Bindings panel. Remove those bindings manually and use the Text property instead.