릴리즈 정보 > 버전 8.2 릴리즈 정보 > Version 8.2.9 Release Notes
Version 8.2.9 Release Notes
The following bug fixes and enhancements are included in ThingWorx 8.2.9:
Bug Fixes
Related JIRA
PTC has addressed approximately a dozen security issues identified with automated security tools or other internal processes.
PTC has addressed three Cross Site Scripting Issues.
Updated to the latest PostgreSQL driver version to 42.2.5. Action may be required if you are using .ssl on the jdbc connection string due to the driver change that has a new default of sslmode=verify-full. The previous default was sslmode=prefer. See https://www.postgresql.org/about/news/1883/ for details around this change.
The implications are that verify-full will now validate against a root certificate, and if a root certificate is not configured, the connection to PostgreSQL will fail.
To set up the secure default, you must set up a root certificate. Azure instructions can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/postgresql/concepts-ssl-connection-security
For more details about how the driver works with a root certificate, see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/libpq-ssl.html
Fixed an issue that was causing exported entities that contained properties, infotables, or configuration tables that used the PASSWORD base type to fail. An extension was created for ThingWorx 8.2.6 to address this issue, but this fix eliminates the use of the extension.
Fixed an issue that was preventing a value stream from being filtered if it contained new line characters (\n).
Fixed an issue in the User Management Subsystem that was causing values lower that minimums to be entered.
Fixed an issue that was causing inherited property and event bindings to get updated unexpectedly when viewing the properties or events.
Fixed an issue that was preventing an alert from being removed from a property after the alert was deleted.
Fixed an issue that was preventing a user from being automatically assigned to a new application key.
Fixed an issue in Classic Composer that was causing an error message to display when you assigned an Administrator user to an application key.
Fixed an issue that was causing the browser to become unresponsive when duplicating an application key.
Fixed an issue that was allowing imported things to have the same names as existing entities.
Fixed an issue that was preventing local bindings without a property definition from being deleted.
Mashup Builder
Related JIRA
Fixed an issue with the Collection widget that was causing slow performance time when reloading mashups.
Added localization support for Advanced Grid/TreeGrid widgets for row addition/deletion and cell validation properties.
Version 1.1.2 of the DSE-Persistence-Provider-Extension.zip is not supported with this release. DSE-Persistence-Provider-Extension.zip v1.3.0 is required for 8.2.9+. To view the version of the extension, download the DSE_Persistence_Provider_Extension.zip from the PTC Support site and open the metadata.xml file. The version is noted in the packageVersion parameter.
Mashup Builder
Added the DrawLine property to the XY chart widget that allows for line plotting.