Notas de la versión > Notas de la versión 8.2 > Version 8.2.1 Release Notes
Version 8.2.1 Release Notes
The following enhancements and bug fixes were made in ThingWorx 8.2.1:
Related JIRA
In Media Entities, a new Authentication Type named Session User is available. Select this option to support authentication of user accounts without using SSO. When this option is selected, you must provide a Session User Query Parameter, which will be sent as a query parameter in content proxy requests. You can now send 'wt.effectiveUid to Windchill with content proxy requests.
A new option has been added to the User Management Subsystem that allows an administrator to restrict users from having more than one concurrent session. Users will not be able to open a new incognito or private browser session and login when same user is already active in ThingWorx.
The following properties in the OData Connector to allow provisioning of unavailable endpoints were added:
The Swagger Spec, taken as JSON, will include the endpoint definitions for the unavailable endpoints.
A settings that indicates when conflicts are encountered with endpoints delivered through the Swagger Spec and endpoints available through parsing the OData Spec, endpoints from the Swagger Spec will override what is available from parsing the OData Spec.
Added the ability for the OData Connector to list the DELETE, UPDATE, and PUT endpoints.
Remote bindings now have a new aspect to control the read behavior after a restart. The default behavior is the same as the behavior in older versions, but customizing the new aspect allows a property to lock processing events until after syncing with the remote values. See Thing Properties for additional information.
Added the capability for a Media Entity to support 2-way SSL. This provides a new SSL Connection Configuration table for a Media Entity where you can configure the Keystore or Trust Store with passwords.
Added the Authentication Setting Sets HTTP Form Authentication as the default fallback mechanism to the User Management Subsystem. When this option is selected, users who logged in using an organization's form login page will now be prompted for credentials on that same page. This feature uses a cookie, which the form login page stores in the user's browser.
The following known issues exist with this functionality and will be fixed in a later release:
When a user's session expires or is otherwise invalidated while working in a mashup, upon their next click in that mashup, the user is redirected to the form login page to re-authenticate. After successful re-authentication, the user is redirected to their home mashup and not to the mashup in which the user was working.
When a user is working in Composer with the Sets HTTP Form Authentication as the default fallback mechanism option selected, if the user's session expires or is otherwise invalidated, the form login page will be partially displayed as a mini-frame in the Composer window.
When theSets HTTP Form Authentication as the default fallback mechanism option is selected and a user attempts to authenticate with cookies disabled, the form login page will immediately redirect the user back to the form login page.
Bug Fixes
Related JIRA
Fixed an issue that was causing the session ID to be exposed in the logs.
Fixed errors that occurred when executing the AcquireLicense service in the Licensing Subsystem when logged in under Limited mode.
Fixed an issue that was causing the OData Connector to report an error when executing a part checkout endpoint.
Added new options to allow Active Directory metadata to populate the ThingWorx UserExtension data shape.
Fixed an issue that was causing the OData Connector to not form the URL for OData actions correctly.
Fixed an issue where the error response from a Windchill OData REST service was not showing enough detail.
Fixed an issue that was preventing licensed entities from being created after successfully obtaining a license.
Fixed an issue that was causing multiple sessions of ThingWorx in the same browser to remain open even if one was closed.
Fixed an issue with the OData Connector that was preventing the CSRF token to be retrieved for operations that changed or updated data.
Fixed an issue with trial license renewals.
Fixed an issue with the AcquireLicense service that was preventing a new license_capability_response.bin file from being generated.
Fixed an issue with the OData Connector that was causing the GetEndpointList and GetEndpointDefinition services to fail.
Fixed an issue that was preventing animated gif media entities from displaying correctly.
Fixed an issue that was occurring when executing the GetEndpointDefinition integration connector service, which was failing with two-way SSL between the connector and Windchill.
Added the option to force whole number intervals when using auto scaling in the Label Chart. When enabled, the ShowYAxisSmartLabel property overrides YAxisIntervals, YAxisMinorTicks, and YAxisLabel properties.
Fixed an issue with the OData Connector that was causing marked endpoints to be required even if they weren't mandatory.
Related JIRA
Fixed an issue with the MQTT extension that was preventing alerts to be triggered when properties changed.
Mashup Builder
Related JIRA
Fixed an issue that was causing mashup parameters to get lost from the URL during authentication.
Fixed an issue in New Composer that was preventing data from being imported.
Fixed the width of the entity name column in New Composer.
Fixed an issue in New Composer that was preventing a message from being displayed if an entity was being edited by another user.
Fixed an issue in New Composer that was preventing the options in the Set Preferences dialog from being saved.
Made improvements to the dark theme in New Composer.
Fixed an issue with the HTML TextArea widget that was preventing the RETURN key from working after a row was selected to a bound Grid widget.
Fixed an issue in New Composer with the Tag Picker widget that was causing the dialog box for adding new vocabulary terms to be misaligned.
Fixed an issue in the Filter widget that was causing the filter bar to expand again when the user resized or scrolled the container even after assigning the filters and collapsing the filter bar.
Fixed an issue that was preventing certain tag picker dialog boxes in Mashup Builder from displaying.
Fixed an issue that caused the DefaultCellSelectedStyle style definition to disappear.
Fixed an issue that was causing NUMBER values to display incorrectly in widgets.
For a List widget with a Combo Box view, localized strings were not displaying when the TextIfNoSelection property was set to Placeholder. The localized strings now appear.
Fixed an issue with the The Tabs - Responsive widget that was causing tabs to display incorrectly.
Within a Tabs widget, you have a contained mashup on a tab and another contained mashup within the second-level Tabs widget and then a third-level contained mashup on the second-level tab. If you select a different first-level tab and then select the third-level tab, that data was not displayed. This was fixed, and now you can see your data at the third-level as you should.
Fixed an issue with List widget combo box that was causing incorrect behavior.
Fixed an issue in New Composer that was causing pop-up dialogs to flicker and then close.
Fixed an issue with the Button widget that was preventing the Disabledstyle image from displaying.
Fixed an issue with the List widget where it was unable to select entries that contained non-latin characters in the Combo Box mode.
Fixed an issue in New Composer that was causing mashup dialogs to be sized incorrectly.
Added a new setting in the Grid widget’s Grid Column Configuration dialog to choose between decimal precision/rounding and truncation. By default, decimal precision is active.
A List widget with the Combo Box view has the TextIfNoSelection property with the option of Placeholder. When a user enters search text in the Combo Box, the placeholder text is cleared.
Tab sequencing was added to the List widget. Users can now press the Tab key to move through form lists.
Fixed the issue in Tag Picker widget where the user was unable to create a new data tag.