Notas de la versión > Notas de la versión 8.1 > Version 8.1.12 Release Notes
Version 8.1.12 Release Notes
The following fixes are included in ThingWorx 8.1.12:
Changes were made in 8.1.12 that may potentially affect any application that uses Timer or Scheduler Things. If your application/extension contains Timers or Schedulers, you must verify that the runAsUser setting is not blank before upgrading. If your Timers and Schedulers are set as extension entities with editable Configuration Tables, you must perform a platform restart after the runAsUser has been set to take effect. See Thing Templates for additional information. The following error will be seen in the Application Log if you attempt to import extensions that contain an empty runAsUser field:
Thing State is being set to ERROR because it failed during the initialization phase: The runAsUser field was empty!
The ability to import extensions is disabled for all users by default in this release. To enable extension importing, parameters must be added and configured in the platform-settings.json file. For more information, see Importing Extensions.
Bug Fixes
Related JIRA
Fixed an issue that prevented the Connection Server from consistently re-connecting to the platform in an HA environment after a failover.
A new version of the DSE Extension (DSE-Persistence-Provider-Extension) is available on the PTC Support Site.
A significant number of security issues have been fixed in this release including major investments in updating third party libraries and handling of data to address cross-site scripting (XSS) issues. It is recommended to upgrade as soon as possible to take advantage of these important improvements.
Fixed an issue that was preventing an alert from being acknowledged if alert values were changed after the alert was triggered.
Fixed an issue that was preventing download links from working in Navigate.
Fixed an issue that was causing the GetCurrentLicenseInfo service to return more entities than were created.
Fixed an issue that was causing migrations from versions prior to 7.2.2 to fail.
Mashup Builder
Related JIRA
Added binding support for the RefreshInterval property on the Auto Refresh widget.
Fixed an issue with the Navigation widget that was preventing a context menu from displaying when right-clicked.