Mashup Builder > Widgets > Blog Widget > Using the Search Expression Property in the Blog Widget
Using the Search Expression Property in the Blog Widget
The Search Expression property is bound to the search box in the top right corner of the blog widget. If you hover your mouse over the textbox in run time, you’ll see a popup containing the following information:
Search Expression Examples
Example Search Expression
foo and bar
Returns results where the blog entry contains both foo and bar, whether they are in the title or description of the blog entry or not.
foo OR bar
Returns results where the blog entries contains either of the words in either the title or description.
Returns results where the blog entry contains foo in either the title or in the description.
Returns results that do not contain the word foo.
NOT foo
Returns results that do not contain the word foo.
Returns results where the blog entry contains any three letter word starting with b and ending in r, such as bar.
Returns a blog entry that begins with the letter f. For example, foo.
Returns results that contain +foo in either the description or the title.
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