Versionshinweise > Version 8.0 – Versionshinweise > Version 8.0.0 Release Notes
Version 8.0.0 Release Notes
The following feature enhancements, bug fixes, and known issues exist in ThingWorx 8.0.0:
Added OData and SAP OData integration connectors to enable ThingWorx administrators to quickly establish connections to applications that implement the ODATA REST protocol, including SAP ERP. These connectors allow ThingWorx developers access to the data stored on these systems in a ThingWorx standard format for application development to provide improved contextualization and analysis.
Licensing updates have been made to make collection, storage, reporting, management and auditing of licensing entitlements simple and automated. License file downloads are now separate from the ThingWorx software download. Specific license files can be downloaded via the Manage Licenses link on the PTC Support site. For more information, see Installing ThingWorx Core 8.0.
Enhancements have been made to allow users to seamlessly map data from ThingWorx Industrial Connectivity to the ThingModel. For more information, refer to the Industrial Connections Example or the Industrial Connectivity Help Center.
Default visibility has changed. Previously, full visibility was granted to all users in the Everyone Organization. Now the default behavior is that users are only granted visibility to entities they create. Visibility is explicitly granted to Organizations and Organizational Units. For more information, see Visibility in Organizations.
This only affects new installations. Upgraded installations will retain their visibility settings.
Application keys are now encrypted on disk.
All customers must ensure the ThingWorx server has Read and Write permissions for /ThingworxStorage and /ThingworxPlatform.
If you do not provide these permissions, ThingWorx will fail to start.
A new option has been added to the platform settings file: InternalAesCryptographicKeyLength
In high availability environments, copy the following files over from the main server:
Upgrading customers using PostgreSQL will need to perform the following:
Copy /twx/config to /ThingworxPlatform/keystore-password
Copy /ThingworxStorage/keyStore to /ThingworxStorage/keystore.jks
The ability to track exportation and importation of entities and data is now available:
The exportation and importation of entities and data is an asynchronous process in ThingWorx. The capability of tracking this asynchronous task has been added to 8.0.0 and is documented in Importing and Exporting Data, Entities, and Extensions.
The ability to upgrade Style Definition, Media of editable extension entities has been added:
Mashups, media, and style definitions extension entities that are editable, can be upgraded during an in-place upgrade as long as they have not been modified or customized.
A configuration for single sign-on authentication is available.
SAML 2.0 is supported for user authentication.
OAuth 2.0 is supported for delegated authorization, with ThingWorx acting as a service provider retrieving data from a resource provider.
You can now use SCIM 1.1 to provision ThingWorx users and groups. For more information, see Using SCIM with ThingWorx and SCIM Subsystem.
The ability to detect anomalies in streaming data has been added:
A new Anomaly alert type has been added to enable anomaly monitoring using advanced analytics.
Anomaly detection provides more advanced alerting capabilities then simple threshold rules can deliver. After training on the normal behavior for a property, the system can monitor for anomalies and generate alerts in response to unexpected values or patterns in the property values. Targeted for the industrial IoT environment, anomaly detection does not require historical data, making it simple to enable and start.
As a solution, anomaly detection is scalable and can support a variety of deployment targets, from advanced hardware installed in a hosted monitoring cluster to simple pre-built monitoring devices.
Additional capability has been added to New Composer. For more information, refer to the ThingWorx Community blog.
The default Administrator password for ThingWorx has changed to a stronger, more secure password. For more information, refer to Installing ThingWorx Core 8.0.
Bug Fixes
Related JIRA
Fixed an issue in which the WebSocketTunnelLibrary extension was not prompting for a password.
Fixed an issue in which you could not extract a zip file that included more than one level of sub-folders to a file repository.
Fixed an issue in which you enter an invalid username or password on the Organization logon page, and then you enter valid credentials in a second logon attempt, it still fails.
Fixed an issue in which bindings are lost when binding a Remote Thing’s property to a Thing’s inherited Thing Shape.
Fixed an issue in which the GetDomainGroups service did not return all groups located on the same server. Added the Group LDAP Filter to Filter Domain Groups parameter for Active Directory configuration.
Fixed an issue in which PostgreSQL queries were blocked at startup of the ThingWorx server.
Fixed an issue that was causing the lastConnected time to be set to epoch time each time the Thing is restarted.
Added the ability to duplicate a service on a Thing Shape.
Fixed an issue that may have caused data loss in streams in PostgreSQL when daylight saving time ends.
Added cacheTime and foldType parameters to the SetRemotePropertyBinding service for things, thing templates, and thing shapes to allow you to configure a remote property binding on a property with all available aspects of a binding to be set via the API. Previously, cacheTime and foldType could only be set via the UI.
Mashup Builder
Related JIRA
Fixed a memory leak in the chart widgets by activating automatic refreshes every two hours.
Fixed an issue that caused white space to appear in a mashup when the menu was collapsed.
Fixed in issue with the Tree widget not having scroll bars.
Fixed an issue in which the HTML text in a mashup displays as “undefined”.
Fixed an issue that occurred when scrolling through a grid at runtime, empty rows or gaps were displayed.
Fixed an issue in which a static mashup with static tabs contained in a responsive tab in a parent responsive mashup does not display.
Added a localization toggle to Service Notifications for token support.
Fixed an issue in which the Value Display widget did not show all tooltip text when the TextWrap property was not selected (false).
Fixed an issue in which the Location field on a Google Maps widget was not centered when the Expanded property was not selected (false) and the ShowExpandCollapseTab property was selected (true).
Fixed an issue in which texts in a TextBox widget with the ReadOnly property selected (true) were not visible on iOS.
Known Issues
Mashup Builder
You cannot use the new Advanced Grid and Advanced Tree Grid Advanced widgets with the standard Grid or List widgets because there may be display problems. This issue will be fixed in a future release.
In Internet Explorer 11, the Date Time Picker widget closes seconds after opening. This issue will be fixed in a future release.
In Neo4j, persistent property values may not be persisted properly and may be lost (e.g. when importing data).To fix this issue, bypass persistent property queueing by doing the following:
In the platform-settings.json, add "bypassPersistentQueueing": true to the NeoPersistenceProviderPackage
, as in the following example:
"PersistenceProviderPackageConfigs": {
"NeoPersistenceProviderPackage": {
"PersistentPropertyProcessorSettings": {
"bypassPersistentQueueing": true