Step 1. Configuration
The first validation of the smoke test is to validate the configuration file of the eMessage Connector. Make sure that you have set the environment variable, EMESSAGE_OPTS, to point to the locations of either of the following sets of configuration files:
Your encryption.conf file for the security library, your encrypted configuration file for the Connector, and optionally, your logback.xml file.
Your unencrypted configuration file for the Connector and optionally, your logback.xml file.
The steps of this validation are as follows:
1. Load and parse the Connector configuration file specified by the Java property, config.file.
2. Validate that all required configuration settings are present.
If this validator throws an exception, the smoke test checks the setting of the isFailFast flag. For this validator, the setting is true, so the smoke test logs an overall test result and exits. In addition, the exception is logged (with a stack trace of the exception).
The smoke test parses the following configuration keys:
Configuration Key
Smoke Test Usage
Connector protocol classname
Verifies that the Connector configuration file has been properly specified
Connector protocol port
Builds the URL of the Connector where the agent sends eMessages.
Name of the Connection Services Hub name
Validates that the Connection Services Hub Thing exists
Application key used by the Connector to authenticate itself with ThingWorx Platform.
Provides authentication credentials for the AlwaysOn Websocket connections to the ThingWorx Platform.
URL of the ThingWorx Platform
Used to establish an AlwaysOn websocket connection with ThingWorx Platform.
Request timeout for connecting to the ThingWorx Platform.
Defines a request timeout for any websocket service calls to the ThingWorx Platform.
Target repository on the ThingWorx Platform for file uploads.
Determines the file repository on the ThingWorx Platform where the Connector will send files uploaded by the agent. It is also used as the source repository from which ThingWorx Platform will download files for the agent (via the Connector).
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