Other Shift and Crew Management Actions
Editing Shifts/Crews
The process for editing shifts or crews is identical and the steps below can be applied to both.
1. From the appropriate tab, search for and select the shift or crew in need of editing.
2. Click or Edit in the right panel to edit.
3. The Edit display will open in the right pane.
4. Modify the Name and Description from the tab.
5. Click Save.
Deleting Shifts/Crews
The process for deleting shifts or crews is identical and the steps below can be applied to both.
1. From the appropriate tab, search for and select the shift or crew in need of editing.
2. Click . The Delete Confirmation window will display.
3. Click Delete.
Exporting Shifts/Crews
The process for exporting shifts or crews is identical and the steps below can be applied to both.
1. From the appropriate tab click Export.
2. The file will immediately download containing only the information from the tab exported from.
3. Open the Excel file.
Exporting Shift Events
1. From the Shift Events tab click Export. The Export Data window will display.
2. From this window, Crew, Shift and Shift Events can be selected for exporting. Each will export on their own tab within an Excel spreadsheet.
3. Click Download.
4. Open the Excel File.
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