General Configuration
An alarm is an event that is triggered when an equipment’s attribute reaches a certain condition. If AMU is deployed, the alarm events are displayed in the equipment card on the Asset Monitoring Dashboard. They are also shown in the Alarm Events display and could result in one or more persons receiving a notification.
For more information on configuring alarms, click here.
The Configuration: Equipment display allows you to model the entire plant hierarchy, and set up equipment for production, IoT data capture, and more.
Additional configuration is required for RTPPM to capture production and downtime, and to calculate KPIs. See RTPPM Configuration for more details.
For more information on configuring equipment, click here.
Products can be set up to run on equipment and organized with hierarchical product types.
For RTPPM, products must be configured and assigned to run on equipment.
For more information on configuring products, click here.
Reason Trees
Reason trees are associated with equipment and are used to assign reasons to associated events. Reason trees can contain multiple reasons and can have multiple hierarchy levels.
For RTPPM, the Downtime and Waste trees must be configured and assigned to equipment in order to collect reasons for these events.
For more information on configuring reason trees, click here.
User management can be used to configure user data as well as to manage user groups information and members.
For more information on configuring users, click here.
Certificate management can be used to configure the associations of certificates to users.
For more information on configuring certificates, click here.
Shift and Crew
Shift and Crew Management is used to configure different shifts and crews within a plant. These shifts and crews can then be used to create specific shift events that are specific to equipment.
For more information on configuring shifts and crews , click here.
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