Setting a User Group for Approvals
Approval user groups are set on the document family level. There can be up to two levels of approval.
1. Navigate to the Authoring > Document Authoring > Document Families tab.
2. Current approval levels can be seen next to the document family name.
3. Select the appropriate document family.
4. Click or Edit.
5. Click either of the current approval groups to modify or X to remove.
Approval Level 1 is required
6. The Select User Group window will display. The currently assigned user group will display above the list of available groups.
7. Locate and select the appropriate user group for the selected document family and approval level.
Search is not case sensitive and partial matches are supported. For example, a search for "admin" will return "Administrators" as well as "Document Administrators".
8. Click Confirm.
9. Once all approval levels have been appropriately set, click Save.
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