ThingWorx Applications Setup > Core Function Configurations > Endpoints > Job Order Endpoint > Job Order Notifications — Connecting Application and Custom Service
Job Order Notifications — Connecting Application and Custom Service
Configuring the External System
1. Search for and open the PTC.FSU.CORE.JobOrder.Endpoint_TG Thing.
2. Open the Configuration tab.
3. Complete the three inputs provided in the JobOrderStatusExternalSystem configuration section.
ThingName—ThingWorx entity where the custom service is located.
ServiceName—Name of the service.
BulkNotifications—This checkbox will control whether job order notifications are always sent discretely, or if job order notifications can be grouped together into a single message. Using this configuration as true will result in messages sent that potentially have more than one unique RequestID value.
Enabling Job Order Notifications
Job Order notifications will need to be enabled by executing a service after installation, as the notifications will be installed as disabled.
1. Search for and open the PTC.FSU.CORE.GlobalConfiguration.GlobalConfiguration_TG Thing.
Open the Services tab.
2. Execute the EnableWorkOrderStatusNotification_CFG service.
Alternatively, Job Order notifications can be disabled by executing the DisableWorkOrderStatusNotification_CFG service.
To allow the Job Order End Point to successfully call the custom service, the entity that holds the custom service must be made available through ThingWorx permissions.
Visibility—This should be set to Everyone as this permission is only for the entity to be seen by a user.
Run Time—This should be set to allow the system to call the custom service. The custom service will be called from an Administrator account through the automated message processing.
Design TimeThere are no requirements for Design Time permissions.
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