Release Notes > Database Changes in ThingWorx Applications 9.5.0
Database Changes in ThingWorx Applications 9.5.0
The following database schema changes have been made in ThingWorx Applications 9.5.0 release:
Database Table
New column added : HashValue (NVARCHAR(255), UNIQUE, NOT NULL)
New column added - CacheStartTime (DATETIMEOFFSET(7)), NOT NULL)
New Index Added - KPIEngineFilterCache_EquipmentUID_QuickTimeIntervalUID_HashValue_Index
Removed index : KPIEngineFilterCache_EquipmentUID_QuickTimeIntervalUID_Modified_CacheEndTime_Index
Remove index kpienginefiltercache_cacheendtime_index
Remove index kpienginefiltercache_quicktimeintervaluid_index
Remove index KPIEngineFilterCache_EquipmentUID_QuickTimeIntervalUID_Modified_Index
The table is deprecated.
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