Reason Trees
Reason trees are used to organize reasons and categories in a hierarchical structure, allowing more detail and nuance to reason allocation.
The following actions can be performed from the Reason Trees tab:
By default, all reason trees are displayed. Within the table, the Name, Event Type, Equipment Assignment, and Enabled status are displayed. Use the search bar to search for a reason tree. Click the Show disabled toggle to switch between displaying enabled and disabled reason trees.
The search bar is not case sensitive and partial words can be used.
For more refined searching, click Advanced Filter. A pane will open from the left and allow filtering by Equipment or Event Type.
To add equipment to the filter, click + to the right of Equipment. A window will display. Click through the list or search using the search field. The selected equipment will be an OR selection, meaning all reason trees for all selected equipment will display, not just reason trees that share the selected equipment.
Select one or more event types from Event Type to only show results from the event types specified. Click Save to use the current search settings later or Load to load the most recently saved settings.
Click Filter to display the results.
Select a reason tree to enable the Edit, Details, and Disable buttons in the toolbar.
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