A user should be able to create an equipment, attribute, and alarm for an attribute all from the configuration user interface. As such, after the initial installation and configuration has been performed, AMU is designed to be fully configurable using the user interface.
If the AMU configuration is not behaving as expected (for example, alarm events are not being created), consider the following notes:
Ensure that all steps in the following steps have been completed and satisfied:
Core Installation and Configuration
AMU Installation and Configuration
Confirm that the equipment has the PTC.FSU.CORE.EventModel.AttributeValueProcessing_TS Thing Shape implemented. This implementation should have occurred automatically when the equipment was initially created from the asset Thing Template.
If the AMU cards are not visible for an equipment or if the Asset Status for an attribute cannot be toggled, this may be because the Thing Template for the associated equipment type (the same equipment type mentioned in Asset Configuration Step) is missing the required implemented Thing Shape: PTC.FSU.AMU.MonitoringCardConfiguration.AssetCard_TS. To fix this, ensure you follow all steps in this AMU Configuration Section.
Ensure that the created equipment has a value stream dedicated for that equipment. This value stream should have been created and assigned automatically when the equipment was initially created from the asset Thing Template.
Ensure that any alarm conditions align with expected attribute value behavior. For example, a condition "attribute equals 75" will be triggered less often than "attribute is greater than or equal to 75".
Try running the RestartThing generic service on the equipment in the ThingWorx Composer.
Ensure that the properties used as attributes on the equipment thing are logged.
Kepware Tags
If a Kepware server is providing data to the tags, the tags must be configured to Respect Client Scan Rate on the Kepware side and have at least 1 minute of scan rate configured on the Thingworx side. Ensure that any changes to the Kepware configuration will respect these configurations. A scan rate of smaller than 1 minute will overload the database and lead to serious performance problems.
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