What’s New in ThingWorx Utilities 9.0.0
New Features
ThingWorx Utilities 9.0.0 can be used in a High Available Clustered ThingWorx platform solution.
Deprecated Utilities
ThingWorx Audit Management is no longer being distributed. The functionality has been replaced by Audit Subsystem.
The Demo Simulator is no longer being distributed.
Changes to the ThingWorx Utilities packaging
The ThingWorx Utilities extension bundle has been repackaged. The utilities are now available as separate extension zip packages:
ThingWorx Utilities Core
ThingWorx Software Content Management
You need to install the ThingWorx Utilities Core extension before you install ThingWorx Software Content Management.
Known Issues
If you have installed or upgraded ThingWorx Utilities on a High Available Clustered ThingWorx platform, you must restart all nodes.
If you set Auto-Retry to 0 while creating a deployment, the deployment still uses the global auto-retry setting.
In this case, you must set the global Auto-Retry count to 0 or disable the Auto-Retry feature under Configuration > Deployment. For more information, see Configuration Parameters for Auto-Retry in Deployment.
If the installation date for a delivery target is set after the end of the configured Instructions Received timeout, then the target might get stuck in the Instructions Received state.
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