Find Packages
Use the Find Packages page to perform the following tasks:
View a list of available packages
Delete published packages
Edit, copy, publish, or delete unpublished packages
Create a test deployment for published and unpublished packages
Complete the following steps to find a package, and then perform any of the preceding tasks:
1. From the left pane in ThingWorx Software Content Management, under the Packages section, navigate to PACKAGE > Find packages.
The Find Packages page appears.
Alternatively, from the left pane in ThingWorx Software Content Management, under the Packages section, navigate to Package > My recent packages. The My Recent Packages page appears.
2. Use any of the following filters to search for packages, and click Filter:
Package Name—Use the available filters to search for a package by its name.
Package Description—Use the available filters to search for a package by its description.
Updated Between—Use the date and time selector widgets to find a package by the time range during which it was updated.
Updated By—Search for a package by specifying the user who created and updated the package.
This field is not available on the My recent packages page. Only those packages that are created by the current user are displayed on this page.
Package Version—Search for a package by specifying the package version.
Published—Select Yes, No, or Both to search for published, unpublished, or all packages, respectively.
Expired—Select Yes, No, or Both to search for expired, not expired, or all packages, respectively.
Package Type—Select File-Based or Instruction-Based to search for file-based packages or instruction-based packages.
Asset Type—Select the asset type to filter the packages based on the asset type associated to the package.
Alternatively, click Clear to clear all filters.
The following information is available for each package in the Packages table:
Specifies the name of the package.
Indicates whether the package has been published:
— The package has not been published and can be edited. The package should not yet be used for a production deployment.
— The package has been published and is ready for production deployment. You cannot edit, delete, or re-publish the package.
Specifies the version defined for the package.
Specifies the description of the package.
Expiration Date
Specifies the exact date and time that the package will expire, if applicable. When a package expires, it can no longer be used for deployment.
Updated By
Specifies the user that last updated the package.
Updated Time
Specifies the date and time that the package was created, or last modified.
Specifies the type of package as one of the following:
3. Depending on your requirement, perform one of the following actions:
Double-click a package to view the View Package Details page. This page provides information about the options that you had selected while creating a package.
If the package is in the unpublished state, click EDIT, PUBLISH, or TEST to edit the package, publish the package, or test package deployment. All the information that you entered while creating a package can be modified.
If the package is in the published state, click TEST to test package deployment.
Select a package from the Packages table, and if required, complete one of the following tasks:
If the package is in the unpublished state, it is denoted by .
Click , , , or to edit, delete, publish, or make a copy of the package.
If the package is in the published state, it is denoted by .
Click to delete the package, or click to make a copy of the package.
Select a package from the Packages table, and click Next.
If the package is in the unpublished state, the Add or Modify Dependencies page appears.
If the package is in the published state, the View Dependencies page appears.
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