Request Access to Solution Central
Every new user that needs access to Solution Central must open a case with PTC using the Case Logger. The following section provides detailed steps for opening a support case to request Solution Central access.
Open a Support Case Using Case Logger
1. Open the Case Logger.
2. Review and, if required, update the information in the following fields and click Next.
First Name
Last Name
Customer Number
3. On the next page, provide the following information and click Next.
In the Product box, type ThingWorx Solution Central.
If you see the Do you want to open a case with PTC Cloud Services? box, select No – Open a Support case related to PTC Product..
In the Tell us about the issue you are having box, add issue details. You can simply type "I’d like to request access to Solution Central."
The portal offers articles that might help you with the issue you mentioned. Scroll to the bottom of the page where you see the following text: If you are still unable to solve your issue, click here. Click the hyperlinked text.
4. On the next page, provide information in the following mandatory fields and click Open a Case. You can choose to provide details for the other non-mandatory fields.
In the What is your service contract number (SCN) box, type your SCN.
In the How Does This Issue Impact You? box, select the severity of the issue.
In the Tell us which product release box, select the release version of the product you are requesting access to.
In the Tell us which datecode box, select the datecode of the product you are requesting access to.
In the Which Specific Area Does Your Issue Relate to? box, select Request Solution Central.
After submitting your ticket, you will receive an email from with a link to log in to your organization’s unique Solution Central URL. If you do not receive this email within 24-48 hours of logging your access request ticket, log a new ticket or reach out to PTC Tech Support.
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