GlobalAccessServer Thing Shape
The GlobalAccessServer Thing Shape defines the properties for GAS Things that implement the GASModel Thing Template. Except for the enabled property, these properties are written by the eMessage Connector to a GAS thing that represents a GAS that is registered with the Connector. Grant update access to these properties for users carefully. The eMessage Connector will have access when you run the services that grant permission and visibility to the Connector user.
The mode of operation for this Global Access Server. The valid values are:
0 for standalone
1 for hosted
Provides the number of remote sessions that the Global Access Server is currently handling.
The port number for direct socket connections (TCP) for non-SSL communications. The default port number is 80. When the HTTP port is blocked, the Global Access Server will use this port to connect.
The port number for Direct (TCP) SSL-based socket connections for SSL communications. The default port number is 443. When the HTTPS port is blocked, the Global Access Server will use this port to connect.
Whether the GAS is able to handle remote session requests from the eMessage Connector. This property is read by the eMessage Connector. The default value is true. Trusted users might choose to disable a GAS, for example, for maintenance.
The External DNS name or IP address for this Global Access Server. In most cases, this is the same as hostName. If the machine running this Global Access Server has multiple IP addresses, you can add a different IP address using this parameter.
A fully defined DNS name or IP address of this Global Access Server.
The maximum number of concurrent remote access socket connections (“sessions”) supported by this Global Access Server. The default value is 25 (sessions).
The number of the Tomcat HTTP port to be used with this Global Access Server. By default, the Global Access Server will use port 80 for Direct Connections when the HTTP port selected is blocked. For this reason, it is recommended that you use port 8080. If necessary, you can choose a different port number for HTTP.
The number of the Tomcat SSL port to be used with this Global Access Server. By default, the Global Access Server will use port 443 for Direct SSL Connections when the HTTPS port selected is blocked. For this reason, It is recommended that you use port 8443. If necessary, you can choose a different port number for HTTPS.
The time zone offset, which is the number of hours ahead of or behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For example, the value for Central Standard Time shows the number of hours behind GMT, 6:00 (US) or 6.00 (EU). For Katmandu the value shows the number of hours ahead of GMT, 5:45 (US) or 5.45 (EU).
The default value is -5:00 (Eastern Standard Time).
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