RSEEAppKeyPermissionServices Thing
PTC recommends that you assign edge device with an application key that is assigned to a non-administrative user. The RemoteAccessPermissionServices Thing provides services that ThingWorx Platform administrators must run to grant permissions and visibility for non-administrator users that should access to Remote Session Edge Extension (RSEE) devices.
RAE Services in 3.1.6 or laterĀ
The RSEEAppKeyPermissionServices Thing provides the following permissions-granting services, which are used to configure the permissions required for connecting to an RSEE device.
Service Name | Description |
GrantGASRemoteAccessPermissionsForThingTemplate | Grants permissions required for connecting to an RSEE device on a Thing level. The service contains the following parameters: organization and userGroup, and templateName parameters. |
GrantGASRemoteAccessPermissionsForThing | Grants permissions required for connecting to an RSEE device. The service contains the following parameters: organization, userGroup, and thingName. |