Remote Access Extension (RAE) Entity Reference > RAE Things > CountryPinning, RegionPinning, and ManualPinning Thing
CountryPinning, RegionPinning, and ManualPinning Thing
The following Things are part of the GAS Pinning feature of the Remote Access Extension. They are used to set the pinningType property for a remote Thing using services that return a list of available countries, regions, or GAS servers for the remote Thing.
CountryPinning Thing
GetPinningFilter—Takes an agentDevice input property with a THINGNAME value. Returns a JSON filter that includes countries that match the input.
RegionPinning Thing
GetPinningFilter—Takes an agentDevice input property with a THINGNAME value. Returns a JSON filter that includes regions that match the input.
ManualPinning Thing
GetPinningFilter—Takes an agentDevice input property with a THINGNAME value. Returns a JSON filter that includes GAS servers that match the input.
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