CountryPinning, RegionPinning, and ManualPinning Thing
The following Things are part of the GAS Pinning feature of the Remote Access Extension. They are used to set the pinningType property for a remote Thing using services that return a list of available countries, regions, or GAS servers for the remote Thing.
CountryPinning Thing
• GetPinningFilter—Takes an agentDevice input property with a THINGNAME value. Returns a JSON filter that includes countries that match the input.
RegionPinning Thing
• GetPinningFilter—Takes an agentDevice input property with a THINGNAME value. Returns a JSON filter that includes regions that match the input.
ManualPinning Thing
• GetPinningFilter—Takes an agentDevice input property with a THINGNAME value. Returns a JSON filter that includes GAS servers that match the input.