Tracking Number
Due to a change in Java 11.0.17, customers could have problems using signed extensions that were signed using Java 8. ThingWorx Extensions impacted include:
• ThingWorx Manufacturing Applications
• ThingWorx Navigate
• Digital Performance Management
• ThingWorx Applications (FSU Applications)
• ThingWorx Software Content Management extensions
This issue impacts all Java 11.0.17 versions, including OpenJDK and Corretto.
Corretto and Oracle JDK versions 11.0.17 and above are not supported if installing ThingWorx Manufacturing Applications, Navigate, DPM Amu, CWC, and RTPPM.
Any customer signing their own extension will need to re-sign using Java 11.
Check the Release Advisor for updates on latest ThingWorx Extensions versions, Java support, and other support information.