Installation and Upgrade > Data Collection in ThingWorx
Data Collection in ThingWorx
To understand the preferences of our software users, ThingWorx is configured to collect and send license usage and performance metrics data to PTC.
License usage data—Mandatory data collection for non-exempt licenses in ThingWorx 9.3.4, 9.2.9, and 9.1.13 or later.
Collected data does not include any personal information, such as user names, email addresses, or passwords.
Performance metrics—Optional data collection that you can manually enable. By default, metrics reporting is disabled.
For more information about data collection in ThingWorx, refer to the following article on the PTC Support site:
Data Collection for License Type
License Type
License Usage Data
Performance Metrics Data
Not collected
Because of government and regulatory requirements, PTC has granted an exempt license file to select customers. To complete this exemption, you must update your current ThingWorx license.
Not collected
Not collected by default.
You can opt in for performance metric reporting manually on the Metrics Reporting tab of the PlatformSubsystem or using the MetricReportingEnabled key within the PlatformSettings.json file.
Opting Out of Data Collection
In versions 9.3.4, 9.2.9, and 9.1.13 or later, ThingWorx is configured to automatically send license data to PTC to manage your license entitlements. To request an exemption from sending license usage data, create a License Service - Exemption Request using the Case Logger on the PTC Support site.
Because of government and regulatory requirements, PTC has granted an exempt license file to select customers. To complete this exemption, you must update your current ThingWorx license.
Opting In for Data Collection
Additional configuration is required when switching from an exempt license to a non-exempt license after upgrading ThingWorx. To send data to PTC, you must register your ThingWorx instance with the telemetry server by performing the following steps:
1. In Composer, open the PlatformSubsystem entity, then on the Metrics Reporting tab, click Request Authorization.
2. Click Restart to restart the Platform Subsystem.
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