Step Number
Step Label
Step Mashup Name
Step Interactive
Step State
Field Definition
StepNumber: {name: 'StepNumber', baseType: 'NUMBER'}
StepLabel: {name: 'StepLabel', baseType: 'STRING'}
StepMashupName: {name: 'StepMashupName', baseType: MASHUPNAME'}
StepInteracive: {name: 'StepInteracive', baseType: 'BOOLEAN'}
StepState: {name: 'StepState', baseType: 'STRING'}
Defines the step number.
Defines the step label.
Defines the mashup name that is associated with the step.
Defines the interaction state for the step.
Defines the state of the step. Options: Complete, Inactive, Current, Error
Base Type
Row Example
StepNumber: 1
StepLabel: 'Step 1'
StepMashupName: 'Mashup1'
StepInteractive: true
StepLabel: 'current'
Property Name | Description | Base Type | Default Value | Binding | Localization |
CurrentStepMashup | Retrieves the mashup name for the current step. | STRING | N/A | Y | N |
CurrentStepNumber | Sets or retrieves the current step number at run time. | NUMBER | N/A | Y | N |
Data | The infotable data source used to define steps to display on the widget. | INFOTABLE | Y | N | |
DisableAutoStepCompletion | Disables the automatic completion of steps when navigating between steps in the progress tracker. When enabled, the step state is always set using infotable data that is specified using the StepStateField property. | BOOLEAN | False | N | N |
ErrorStateIcon | Specifies the icon to display when the progress tracker data cannot be loaded. | MEDIALINK | error | Y | N |
ErrorStateText | Specifies the text to display when the progress tracker data cannot be loaded. | STRING | [[ProgressTracker.unableToLoadData]] | Y | Y |
IsInteractive | Specifies whether steps can be interactive. | BOOLEAN | False | Y | N |
MinStepSpacing | Sets the minimum length of the horizontal line separating steps on the progress tracker. | NUMBER | 90 | N | N |
NoBindingIcon | Specifies the icon to display when the progress tracker is not bound to a data source. | MEDIALINK | bind | N | N |
NoBindingText | Specifies the text to display when the progress tracker is not bound to a data source. | STRING | [[ProgressTracker.noDataToDisplay]] | N | Y |
NoDataIcon | Specifies the icon to display when the progress tracker data does not contain any steps. | MEDIALINK | not visible | Y | N |
NoDataText | Specifies the text to display when the progress tracker data does not contain any steps. | STRING | [[ProgressTracker.noStepData]] | Y | Y |
SelectedData | An infotable that represents the data of the selected step. | INFOTABLE | Y | N | |
StepClicked | A bindable event that triggers when a step is clicked. | Event | Y | N | |
StepInteractiveField | Specifies the infotable field that defines whether a step is interactive. | Infotable Field | N | N | |
StepLabelField | Specifies the infotable field that contains the step labels. | Infotable Field | N | N | |
StepMashupNameField | Specifies the infotable field that defines the mashup to display for each step. | Infotable Field | N | N | |
StepNumberField | Specifies the infotable field that contains the step numbers. | Infotable Field | N | N | |
StepSize | Sets the size of the step icons. Options: Small, Medium, Large | STRING | Medium | Y | N |
StepStateField | Specifies the infotable field that defines the step state. | Infotable Field | N | N | |
TabSequence | Sets the sequence in which a widget is highlighted when the user presses Tab key. | NUMBER | 0 | N | N |
Height | Sets the widget height when it is added to a container with fixed sizing. | NUMBER | 90 | N | N |
Width | Sets the widget width when it is added to a container with fixed sizing. | NUMBER | 600 | N | N |