![]() |
The sample below contains all options. Only one persistence provider is required.
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The parameters networkTimeout, queryTimeout, and producerTimeout must be used only from ThingWorx 9.2.8 and later, and ThingWorx 9.3.3 and later.
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The AuthorizationServersSettings component is at the same hierarchy level as the PlatformSettingsConfig configuration.
Setting | Default | Description | ||||
BackupStorage | /ThingworxBackupStorage | The directory name where all backups are written to. | ||||
EnableContentSecurityPolicyFilter | false | When EnableContentSecurityPolicyFilter is set to FALSE, the Content Security Policy (CSP) filter is not Enabled programmatically. If ClickjackFilters are defined in web.xml, they are Enabled. Clickjack Filter’s behavior will be per its configuration in web.xml. When EnableContentSecurityPolicyFilter is set to TRUE, the CSP filter is Enabled programmatically. If ClickjackFilters are defined in web.xml, they are Disabled. The CSP secure defaults defined in ThingWorx Platform are in effect. For more information, see Allowing Embedded Mashups in iFrames. | ||||
DatabaseLogRetentionPolicy | 7 | The number of days that database logs are retained. | ||||
DatabaseWriteRetryAttempts | 10 | Maximum attempts made by the system to retry persisting entries in the database in case of connection loss. | ||||
EnableBackup | true | Determines whether backups are retained. | ||||
EnableClusteredMode | false | Determines whether ThingWorx will run as a cluster or standalone server. | ||||
EnableOtlpGRPCMetricExporter | false | Configuration to enable export of dt ropwizard metrics and Otel metrics to OTEL Collector. Metrics will be exported to collector whose endpoint is defined by the OtlpGRPCMetricExporterEndpoint platform setting. For more details, please refer OpenTelemetry Configuration | ||||
EnableSystemLogging | false | Determines whether system logging is enabled.
| ||||
EnableSSO | false | Set to true to enable SSO for ThingWorx Platform. When SSO is enabled, all authentication is redirected to the central authorization server that is configured in the sso-settings.json file. Edge WebSocket authentication is not affected. | ||||
FileRepositoryRoot | /ThingworxStorage | The directory where the root file repository is created. The default location is sufficient for standalone deployments. For ThingWorx HA deployments, the repository should be located on a shared file system where all ThingWorx servers have access. | ||||
FileTransferLockType | LOCAL | This parameter allows to set the locking type for the File Transfer functionality. This setting applicable to all the functionalities that makes use of FileRepositoryThing and its services. Value can be one of the following: • LOCAL—indicates file operations is synchronized on particular ThingWorx instance. This is the default option and works for most of the use scenarios. • NOLOCK—indicates file operations are non-synchronized. The NOLOCK option does not lock the files or directories while performing the File Transfer related operations. Use the NOLOCK option after ensuring the use does not concurrently update the same file or directory.
| ||||
HTTPRequestHeaderMaxLength | 2000 | The maximum allowable length for HTTP Request Headers values. | ||||
HTTPRequestParameterMaxLength | 2000 | The maximum allowable length for HTTP Request Parameter values. | ||||
InternalAesCryptographicKeyLength | 128 | Key length used when generating a symmetric AES key. Supported values are 128, 192, and 256.
| ||||
IsExcludeOwner | false | This parameter determines whether to display the owner information or not, in the client browser. If the IsExcludeOwner parameter is false, owner information will be displayed, and if it is true, owner information will not be displayed. | ||||
MashupWebsocketConnectionAliveAfterTimeout | false | Determines how mashup WebSocket connections are managed when a mashup is not in an active browser tab or window. When set tofalse, connections are automatically disconnected when a mashup is not visible for more than 5 minutes. When set totrue, connections are maintained when a mashup is running in a background tab or window. The mashup visibility state is ignored. | ||||
MetricsLoggingFrequency | 30 | Frequency in minutes at which the metrics collected by the platform will get logged to the Application Log. | ||||
MetricsLoggingLevel | WARN | Log level at which metrics collected by the platform will get logged to the Application Log. Value can be one of the following: WARN, DEBUG, TRACE, INFO, or ERROR. | ||||
MetricsReportingEnabled | n/a | Determines whether performance metrics data is sent to PTC. You can also configure this option in the Platform Subsystem. For more information on data collection in ThingWorx, see Data Collection in ThingWorx. | ||||
NonceKeyTimeout | 15 | The amount of time for the Nonce Key expiration time. Default value of is 15 seconds. The acceptable values for this parameter are between 15 seconds to 30 seconds. | ||||
SessionUpdateDelay | 60 | The amount of time, in seconds, added to the lastUpdateTime, after which the session’s lastUpdateTime will be updated. If multiple requests are received during the delay, only the first request will update the lastUpdateTime. The default value is 60 seconds. | ||||
Storage | /ThingworxStorage | The directory where all storage directories are created/located (excluding Backup Storage). | ||||
ScriptTimeout | 30 | The maximum number of seconds that a script may execute before the ThingWorx platform terminates the script.
| ||||
ThingStartMaxWaitTime | 0 | The number of seconds allowed for each Thing to start during the server startup. The value 0 allows unlimited time. If the maximum time is reached, the thing is disabled. Example of the error message is has follows: Thing <THING_NAME> has exceeded allowed start time configured by ThingStartMaxWaitTime: <MAX_WAIT_TIME> seconds. Disabling and attempting to cancel startThing. | ||||
MaxSearchItems | 100000 | Allow the users to increase the default search limit according to the number of entities present in the environment. The MaxSearchItems set by the SearchFunctions resource group APIs in ThingWorx Composer will take precedence over the value set in platform-settings.json. If the MaxSearchItems is set to greater than 100k, pass appropriate search criteria according to the use case to reduce the search time for fetching the required number of entities.
| ||||
GroupPropertyValuesByTime | false | Group and order property writes by timestamp. For more information, see Thing Properties and Remote Thing Services. | ||||
EnableConsoleOutput | true—for Docker. false— for on-prem and manual installation. | Enables or disables stdout and stderr logs on console. For more information, see Tomcat Console Logs Configuration. | ||||
MaxConcurrentFileTransfersEdgeCtrl | 1000 | The maximum number of concurrent file transfers allowed for the edge-controlled devices. | ||||
LRUChecksumCacheMaxSize | 100000 | Maximum size for File Transfer Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache. | ||||
FileSizeThreshold | 200 | Maximum file size for comparison and sorting to assign it to appropriate Cache for processing. The file checksum's LRU cache assignment is based on the file size threshold. (in MB). |
Setting | Default | Description | ||
ignoreTrustedDomains | true | If this flag if set to true, all the external HTTP calls via media entities are allowed. And if set to false, only HTTP calls to the domains listed under trustedDomains are allowed. | ||
trustedDomains | NA | List of verified and trusted domains that users can use to access media on Mashup via Media-Entity Object.
Setting | Default | Description | ||
SolutionCentralHost | sc.thingworx.com | Solution Central host name. | ||
SolutionCentralPort | 443 | Solution Central port details.
| ||
KeyStorePath | /ThingworxPlatform/sc-keystore | Path for your keystore. | ||
KeyStorePass | None | Password for your keystore.
Setting | Default | Description | ||
EnableOrchestration | true | Indicates if ThingWorx Flow is enabled in ThingWorx Foundation. | ||
QueueHost | localhost | RabbitMQ host name | ||
QueuePort | 5672 | RabbitMQ port | ||
QueueName | 256mb | RabbitMQ queue name | ||
QueueUsername | flowuser | RabbitMQ queue username | ||
QueuePassword | encrypt.queue.password | RabbitMQ queue password
| ||
QueueVHost | orchestration | RabbitMQ VHost name | ||
TurnOffScopesApprovalPopup | false | Set the value to true to stop getting grant approval windows during the login process. |
Setting | Description | Default | Examples | ||||
importEnabled | The top level control that represents the ability to import (=true) or not import (=false) extensions. | false | • "importEnabled": false - Extensions cannot be imported, even if other ExtensionPackageImportPolicy settings are set to true. • "importEnabled": true - Passes the extension import to the next set of allow<Content>Resources settings (see rows below).
| ||||
allowJarResources | Allows extensions with Jar Resources to be imported. | false | • "allowJarResources": true - allows extensions that declare jar files in their manifest as jar resources to be imported. • "allowJarResources": false -will not allow extensions that declare jar files in their manifest as jar resources to be imported. | ||||
allowJavascriptResources | Allows extensions with JavaScript Resources to be imported. | false | • "allowJavascriptResources": true -allows extensions that declare JavaScript UI file resources of JS type in their manifest as JavaScript resources to be imported. • "allowJavascriptResources": false - will not allow extensions that declare JavaScript UI file resources of JS type in their manifest as JavaScript resources to be imported. | ||||
allowCSSResources | Allows extensions with CSS Resources to be imported. | false | • "allowCSSResources": true -allows extensions that contain CSS UI file resources to be imported. • "allowCSSResources": false -will not allow extensions that contain CSS UI file resources to be imported. | ||||
allowJSONResources | Allows extensions with JSON Resources (for example, localization files) to be imported. | false | • "allowJSONResources": true - allows extensions that contain JSON UI file resources to be imported. • "allowJSONResources": false - will not allow extensions that contain JSON UI file resources to be imported. | ||||
allowWebAppResources | Allows extensions with Web Resources to be imported. | false | • "allowWebAppResources": true - allows extensions that contain WebApp UI file resources to be imported. • "allowWebAppResources": false - will not allow extensions that contain WebApp UI file resources to be imported. | ||||
allowEntities | Allows extensions with non-extensible entities to be imported. Examples of non-extensible entities include: • Application Key • Authenticator • Dashboard • Data Analysis Definition • Data Shape • GenericContentEntity and derived child classes like State Definition, Style Definition, Style Theme • Group • Localization Table • Log • Mashup • Media Entity • Menu • ModeledServiceProviderEntity and child classes like Notification Content • Network • Notification Definition • Organization • Persistence Provider • PersistenceProviderPackage and derived child classes • Project • Thing Shape • Thing Template • User • Vocabulary and derived child classes like DataTagVocabulary, ModelTagVocabulary | false | • "allowEntities": true - allows extensions that declare non-extensible entities in their manifest to be imported. • "allowEntities": false - will not allow extensions that declare non-extensible entities in their manifest to be imported. | ||||
allowExtensibleEntities | Allows extensions with non-extensible entities to be imported. Examples of extensible entities include: • DirectoryService and derived child classes • ExtensionPackage • Resource and derived child classes that contain custom functions/services used as resources similar to OOTB Resources such as InfoTableFunctions, EntityServices, and EncryptionServices.
• ScriptFunctionLibrary and derived child classes. • Subsystem and derived child classes.
• Thing Package • Widget | false | • "allowExtensibleEntities": true - allows extensions that declare extensible entities in their manifest to be imported. • "allowExtensibleEntities": false - will not allow extensions that declare extensible entities in their manifest to be imported. | ||||
haCompatibilityImportLevel | When running ThingWorx in cluster mode, you can restrict the import of extensions to only those that have the haCompatibility flag set to true in the extension metadata. The default setting is WARN, which allows the import but generates a warning message in the application log. You can change the setting to DENY; in this case, the import fails and an error is generated in the application log. | WARN | • "haCompatibilityImportLevel": "WARN" - extension imports succeed and warnings are generated for extensions that do not have "haCompatible" : "TRUE" set. • "haCompatibilityImportLevel": "DENY" - only extensions with "haCompatible" : "TRUE" will be imported. All other extension imports will fail, and error messages are generated. |
![]() | If your AuthorizationServersSettings is located in the sso-settings.json file (the old mode of authorization configuration), it is advised to move it to the platform-settings.json file (the new location for authorization configuration). If there are different authorization server IDs defined in the AuthorizationServersSettings of sso-settings.json and platform-settings.json, both will be supported. However, if the same authorization server ID is defined in both files, the one defined in platform-settings.json will be used. |
Parameter | Description | Value | ||||
clientBaseUrl | Specifies the URL of the ThingWorx server instance. Set this to the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the ThingWorx server. If you have configured ThingWorx to operate in a High Availability (HA) environment, then specify the host and port of the load balancer. | http://<ThingWorx-FQDN>:<port-number>/Thingworx OR In a High Availability environment, https://<Load balancer host-name>:<Load balancer port-number>/Thingworx | ||||
retriggerOnScopesRemoval | Specifies whether the list of required scopes has changed and must be refreshed. If the value is set to true, it indicates that a scope was added or removed from the list of required scopes. If the value is set to false, it indicates that a scope was added to the list of required scopes. | true | ||||
<AuthorizationServerId1>.clientId | Specifies the client identifier to use when obtaining access tokens from the Auth server.
| — | ||||
<AuthorizationServerId1>.clientSecret | Specifies the client credentials that are used to authenticate with the auth server. Set to the fully qualified domain name server URL on the network. | — | ||||
<AuthorizationServerId1>.authorizeUri | Specifies the URI to which the user is to be redirected to authorize an access token. | • PingFederate as CAS: https://<PingFederate-host-name>:<PingFederate-Port-Number>/as/authorization.oauth2
• Microsoft Entra ID as CAS: See Update the ThingWorx Configuration Files in the Microsoft Entra ID Authorization documentation. • AD FS as CAS: See
Update the ThingWorx Configuration Files in the AD FS Authorization documentation. | ||||
<AuthorizationServerId1>.tokenUri | Specifies the URI to use to obtain an OAuth2 access token. Set to the fully qualified domain name server URL on the network. | https://<PingFederate-host-name>:<PingFederate-Port-Number>/as/token.oauth2 | ||||
<AuthorizationServerId1>.clientAuthScheme | Specifies the scheme to use to authenticate the client. The allowed values are: • form • header • query • none | form | ||||
<AuthorizationServerId1>.mandatoryScopes | Optional for CAS other than Microsoft Entra ID and ADFS. This scope will be automatically added to any requested accessToken when this parameter is defined.
| Mandatory for Microsoft Entra ID as CAS. Required value is "offline_access". Mandatory for ADFS: This can be any value that is not defined in the list of scopes on the ADFS server. |
Akka Settings | Default | Description |
DCPPort | 2551 | Akka communication port |
AkkaEntityTimeout | 7m | Idle timeout for Akka actors (in minutes: 7m or seconds: 540s) |
AkkaShardingHandoffTimeout | 60s | Akka shard stop timeout – enables running actors to finish before moving shard to the new node (in seconds: 60s or minutes: 1m) |
AkkaShardingBufferSize | 100000 | Number of messages to buffer when starting new shard or waiting for shard to stop and restart during shard rebalancing. These messages are executed once shard has started/restarted on the new node. |
AkkaNumberOfSubscriptionThreads | DEFAULT | Number of execution threads for ordered subscriptions. Set to desired number of threads or DEFAULT for one thread per processor/core. |
Settings | Default | Description |
SubscriptionsStatesMaxDirectMemorySize | 1800m | The maximum amount of direct memory allocated for ordered subscriptions states storage. It can be specified as gigabytes 1g, megabytes 1024m, kilobytes 1048576k or bytes 1073741824. When the memory limit is reached, some states are removed from memory to allow new states to be stored, and the removed states are discarded. |
SingleSubscriptionStateMaxSize | DEFAULT | The maximum state size allowed for a single subscription. The state is not saved when attempting to store more data than allowed in the state. It can be specified as gigabytes 1g, megabytes 1024m, kilobytes 1048576k or bytes 1073741824. When set to DEFAULT, ThingWorx will automatically determine the maximum state size based on the maximum memory size setting and the number of subscription threads. Large values for the maximum state size will reduce the total memory available for all states. It is recommended to keep the value as DEFAULT unless specific state size requirements exist. |
Setting | Default | Description |
InitialPassword | n/a | The initial Administrator password that is required to log into ThingWorx for the first time. The minimum length can be configured in the User Management Subsystem (minimum 10 characters, default is 14 characters). See for more information. |
Setting | Default | Description | ||
supportedMediaEntityContentTypes | "image/svg+xml","image/png","image/gif","image/bmp","image/jpeg","application/pdf","image/vnd.microsoft.icon" | Comma-delimited list of valid MIME content types that can be dynamically linked to Media entities. Additional types can be added.
Setting | Default | Description | ||
username | n/a | PTC Support site username | ||
password | n/a | PTC Support site password | ||
timeout (in seconds) | 60 | After the timeout period, the following error is logged in the Application Log: License Server could not process request | ||
useProxy | false | Enables proxy settings for licensing. If true, proxy settings are used to connect to the licensing server. | ||
proxyHost | The name of the proxy host. | |||
proxyPort | The port number of the proxy host. | |||
proxyScheme | http | http or https. | ||
proxyUsername | The username for authentication if the proxy server connection requires authentication. | |||
proxyPassword | The password for authentication if the proxy server connection requires authentication.
| |||
proxyUseNTLM | false | Option to use the NTLM protocol. | ||
proxyWorkstation | The name of the user's computer on the network, if NTLM authentication is required. | |||
proxyDomain | The name of the user's domain, if NTLM authentication is required. |
Setting | Default | Description |
InitialPassword | Creates the MetricsUser during system startup and is used by the Prometheus server to scrape metrics information from a ThingWorx instance. It’s required for all MSAI deployments, but optional for all other types of deployments. |
Setting | Default | Description |
DisabledMetricsList | This setting disables the metric listed under it. |
Setting | Default | Description | ||||
ConnectionInformation | ||||||
acquireIncrement | 5 | Determines how many connections at a time the platform will try to acquire when the pool is exhausted. | ||||
acquireRetryAttempts | 3 | Defines how many times ThingWorx will try to acquire a new connection from the database before giving up. | ||||
acquireRetryDelay | 10000 | The time (in milliseconds) ThingWorx will wait between acquire attempts. | ||||
checkoutTimeout | 10000000 | The number of milliseconds a client calling getConnection()will wait for a connection to be checked-in or acquired when the pool is exhausted. | ||||
Query Timeout | 600000 | The amount of time (in milliseconds) a query will wait to complete before it is cancelled. | ||||
Network Timeout | 900000 | The amount of time (in milliseconds) for a thread to wait for response from database. If no response is received within this configured time, platform will close the underlying connection and will release the thread waiting for the response. | ||||
driverClass | org.postgresql.Driver | The fully-qualified class name of the JDBC driverClass that is expected to provide Connections. | ||||
fetchSize | 5000 | The count of rows to be fetched in batches instead of caching all rows on the client side. | ||||
idleConnectionTestPeriod | 60 | If this is a number greater than 0, ThingWorx will test all idle, pooled but unchecked-out connections, every x number of seconds. | ||||
initialPoolSize | 5 | Initial number of database connections created and maintained within a pool upon startup. Should be between minPoolSize and maxPoolSize. | ||||
jdbcUrl | jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/thingworx | The JDBC URL used to connect to PostgreSQL.
| ||||
maxConnectionAge | 0 | Seconds, effectively a time to live. A Connection older than maxConnectionAge will be destroyed and purged from the pool. | ||||
maxIdleTime | 0 | Seconds a connection can remain pooled but unused before being discarded. Zero means idle connections never expire. | ||||
maxIdleTimeExcessConnections | 300 | The number of seconds that connections in excess of minPoolSize are permitted to remain in idle in the pool before being culled. Intended for applications that wish to aggressively minimize the number of open connections, shrinking the pool back towards minPoolSize if, following a spike, the load level diminishes and connections acquired are no longer needed. If maxIdleTime is set, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections should be smaller to have any effect. Setting this to zero means no enforcement and excess connections are not idled out. | ||||
maxPoolSize | 100 | Maximum number of connections a pool will maintain at any given time. | ||||
maxStatements | 100 | The size of ThingWorx’s global PreparedStatement cache. | ||||
minPoolSize | 5 | Minimum number of Connections a pool will maintain at any given time. | ||||
numHelperThreads | 8 | The number of helper threads to spawn. Slow JDBC operations are generally performed by helper threads that don't hold contended locks. Spreading these operations over multiple threads can significantly improve performance by allowing multiple operations to be performed simultaneously. | ||||
password | <unique password> | The password used to log into the database. | ||||
sslMode | prefer | The SSL mode to connect to PostgreSQL. See PostgreSQL Documentation for more information about different SSL modes. | ||||
sslRootCert | The certificate to connect to PostgreSQL. This is mandatory for verify-ca and verify-full SSL modes. For more information about secure communication with Azure PostgreSQL Flex Server and to download the certificate, see Encrypted connectivity using TLS/SSL in Azure Database for PostgreSQL — Flexible Server.
| |||||
testConnectionOnCheckout | false | If true, an operation will be performed at every connection checkout to verify that the connection is valid. | ||||
unreturnedConnectionTimeout | 0 | The number of seconds to wait for a response from an unresponsive connection before discarding it. If set, if an application checks out but then fails to check-in a connection within the specified period of time, the pool will discard the connection. This permits applications with occasional connection leaks to survive, rather than eventually exhausting the Connection pool. Zero means no timeout, and applications are expected to close their own connections. | ||||
username | twadmin | The user that has the privilege to modify tables. This is the user created on the database for the ThingWorx server.
| ||||
Stream Processor Settings | ||||||
maximumBlockSize | 2500 | The maximum number of stream writes to process in one block. | ||||
maximumQueueSize | 250000 | The maximum number of stream entries to queue (will be rejected after that). | ||||
maximumWaitTime | 10000 | Number of milliseconds the system waits before flushing the stream buffer. | ||||
numberOfProcessingThreads | 5 | The number of processing threads. | ||||
scanRate | 5 | The buffer status is checked at the specified rate value in milliseconds. | ||||
sizeThreshold | 1000 | Maximum number of items to accumulate before flushing the stream buffer. | ||||
Producer Timeout | 3000 | This setting applies to the Stream Entry Processors and is currently only effective for Persistent Property Processor. In the event that a queue is full and does not have space for a new entry, this is the maximum time (milliseconds) a producer will wait to put entry on the queue. Once this wait time is over, if still the queue is full and space cannot be made available, then the entry will fail to be added to queue. | ||||
Value Stream Processor Settings | ||||||
maximumBlockSize | 2500 | Maximum number of value stream writes to process in one block. | ||||
maximumQueueSize | 500000 | Maximum number of value stream entries to queue (will be rejected after that). | ||||
maximumWaitTime | 10000 | Number of milliseconds the system waits before flushing the value stream buffer. | ||||
numberofProcessingThreads | 5 | The number of processing threads. | ||||
scanRate | 5 | The rate (in milliseconds) before flushing the stream buffer. | ||||
sizeThreshold | 1000 | Maximum number of items to accumulate before flushing the value stream buffer. | ||||
Producer Timeout | 3000 | This setting applies to the Stream Entry Processors and is currently only effective for Persistent Property Processor. In the event that a queue is full and does not have space for a new entry, this is the maximum time (milliseconds) a producer will wait to put entry on the queue. Once this wait time is over, if still the queue is full and space cannot be made available, then the entry will fail to be added to queue. | ||||
PersistentPropertyProcessorSettings | ||||||
maximumBlockSize | 2500 | The maximum number of property writes to process in one block. | ||||
maximumWaitTime | 1000 | The maximum wait time (in milliseconds) before flushing the property buffer. | ||||
maximumQueueSize | 100000 | The maximum number of property entries to queue (will be rejected after that). | ||||
numberOfProcessingThreads | 20 | The number of threads to use when processing properties. | ||||
scanRate | 25 | The rate (in milliseconds) at which to check the buffer status. | ||||
sizeThreshold | 1000 | The maximum number of items to accumulate before flushing the property buffer. | ||||
Producer Timeout | 3000 | This setting applies to the Stream Entry Processors and is currently only effective for Persistent Property Processor. In the event that a queue is full and does not have space for a new entry, this is the maximum time (milliseconds) a producer will wait to put entry on the queue. Once this wait time is over, if still the queue is full and space cannot be made available, then the entry will fail to be added to queue. |
Setting | Default | Description | ||
ConnectionInformation | ||||
acquireIncrement | 5 | Determines how many connections at a time ThingWorx will try to acquire when the pool is exhausted. | ||
acquireRetryAttempts | 3 | Defines how many times ThingWorx will try to acquire a new connection from the database before giving up. | ||
acquireRetryDelay | 10000 | The time (in milliseconds) ThingWorx will wait between acquire attempts. | ||
checkoutTimeout | 1000000 | The number of milliseconds a client calling getConnection() will wait for a connection to be checked-in or acquired when the pool is exhausted. | ||
driverClass | com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver | The fully-qualified class name of the JDBC driverClass that is expected to provide connections. | ||
fetchSize | 5000 | The count of rows to be fetched in batches instead of caching all rows on the client side. | ||
idleConnectionTestPeriod | 60 | Time period (in seconds) where connections will be tested so that idle connections won’t be closed from outside processes such as firewalls, etc. If this is a number greater than 0, ThingWorx will test all idle, pooled but unchecked-out connections, every x number of seconds.
| ||
initialPoolSize | 5 | Initial number of database connections created and maintained within a pool upon startup. Should be between minPoolSize and maxPoolSize. | ||
jdbcUrl | jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=thingworx;applicationName=Thingworx; | The jdbc url used to connect to MSSQL. | ||
maxConnectionAge | 0 | Seconds, effectively a time to live. A connection older than maxConnectionAge will be destroyed and purged from the pool. | ||
maxIdleTime | 0 | Seconds a connection can remain pooled but unused before being discarded. Zero means idle connections never expire. | ||
maxIdleTimeExcessConnections | 300 | The number of seconds that connections in excess of minPoolSize are permitted to remain in idle in the pool before being culled. Intended for applications that wish to aggressively minimize the number of open connections, shrinking the pool back towards minPoolSize if, following a spike, the load level diminishes and Connections acquired are no longer needed. If maxIdleTime is set, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections should be smaller to have any effect. Setting this to zero means no enforcement and excess connections are not idled out. | ||
maxPoolSize | 100 | Maximum number of Connections a pool will maintain at any given time. | ||
maxStatements | 100 | The size of the ThingWorx global PreparedStatement cache. | ||
minPoolSize | 5 | Minimum number of Connections a pool will maintain at any given time. | ||
numHelperThreads | 8 | The number of helper threads to spawn. Slow JDBC operations are generally performed by helper threads that don't hold contended locks. Spreading these operations over multiple threads can significantly improve performance by allowing multiple operations to be performed simultaneously. | ||
password | <unique password> | The password to log into the database. | ||
testConnectionOnCheckout | false | If true, an operation will be performed at every connection checkout to verify that the connection is valid. | ||
unreturnedConnectionTimeout | 0 | The number of seconds to wait for a response from an unresponsive connection before discarding it. If set, if an application checks out but then fails to check-in a connection within the specified period of time, the pool will discard the connection. This permits applications with occasional connection leaks to survive, rather than eventually exhausting the Connection pool. Zero means no timeout, and applications are expected to close their own connections. | ||
username | msadmin | This is the user ID that owns the TWSCHEMA schema and is used for authentication to MSSQL in the JDBC connection string. | ||
Query Timeout | 600000 | The amount of time (in milliseconds) a query will wait to complete before it is cancelled. | ||
Network Timeout | 900000 | The amount of time (in milliseconds) for a thread to wait for response from database. If no response is received within this configured time, platform will close the underlying connection and will release the thread waiting for the response. | ||
Stream Processor Settings | ||||
maximumBlockSize | 2500 | The maximum number of stream writes to process in one block. | ||
maximumQueueSize | 250000 | The maximum number of stream entries to queue (will be rejected after that). | ||
maximumWaitTime | 10000 | Number of milliseconds the system waits before flushing the stream buffer. | ||
numberOfProcessingThreads | 5 | The number of processing threads. | ||
scanRate | 5 | The buffer status is checked at the specified rate value in milliseconds. | ||
sizeThreshold | 1000 | Maximum number of items to accumulate before flushing the stream buffer. | ||
Producer Timeout | 3000 | This setting applies to the Stream Entry Processors and is currently only effective for Persistent Property Processor. In the event that a queue is full and does not have space for a new entry, this is the maximum time (milliseconds) a producer will wait to put entry on the queue. Once this wait time is over, if still the queue is full and space cannot be made available, then the entry will fail to be added to queue. | ||
Value Stream Processor Settings | ||||
maximumBlockSize | 2500 | Maximum number of value stream writes to process in one block. | ||
maximumWaitTime | 10000 | Number of milliseconds the system waits before flushing the value stream buffer. | ||
maximumQueueSize | 500000 | Maximum number of value stream entries to queue (will be rejected after that). | ||
numberofProcessingThreads | 5 | The number of processing threads. | ||
scanRate | 5 | The rate (in milliseconds) before flushing the stream buffer. | ||
sizeThreshold | 1000 | Maximum number of items to accumulate before flushing the value stream buffer. | ||
Producer Timeout | 3000 | This setting applies to the Stream Entry Processors and is currently only effective for Persistent Property Processor. In the event that a queue is full and does not have space for a new entry, this is the maximum time (milliseconds) a producer will wait to put entry on the queue. Once this wait time is over, if still the queue is full and space cannot be made available, then the entry will fail to be added to queue. | ||
PersistentPropertyProcessorSettings | ||||
maximumBlockSize | 2500 | The maximum number of property writes to process in one block. | ||
maximumWaitTime | 1000 | The maximum wait time (in milliseconds) before flushing the property buffer. | ||
maximumQueueSize | 100000 | The maximum number of property entries to queue (will be rejected after that). | ||
numberOfProcessingThreads | 20 | The number of threads to use when processing properties. | ||
scanRate | 25 | The rate (in milliseconds) at which to check the buffer status. | ||
sizeThreshold | 1000 | The maximum number of items to accumulate before flushing the property buffer. | ||
Producer Timeout | 3000 | This setting applies to the Stream Entry Processors and is currently only effective for Persistent Property Processor. In the event that a queue is full and does not have space for a new entry, this is the maximum time (milliseconds) a producer will wait to put entry on the queue. Once this wait time is over, if still the queue is full and space cannot be made available, then the entry will fail to be added to queue. |
![]() | If you are running single-server mode, exclude the cache settings from the configuration. If they are included for single-server mode, they will run the distributed caching mode using Apache Ignite, which is less performant than running the default local memory caching. |
Setting | Default | Description |
provider-type | [The cache provider for running in single-server mode.] | In cluster mode, the value should always be set to com.thingworx.cache.ignite.IgniteCacheProvider. |
instance-name | none | Sets the cache’s local instance name. |
client-mode | true | Determines if the embedded Ignite runs as a client (default) or server. In server mode, it participates in storing data and will use more memory. |
address-resolver type | static | Determines how other Ignite nodes will be discovered. The recommended setting is zookeeper. |
connection | none | For an address-resolver type of zookeeper, a comma-delimited list of the Apache ZooKeeper servers used to coordinate ThingWorx leader election. The string pattern is IP:port (for example,, |
endpoints | none | For an address-resolver type of static, an array of static addresses where Ignite is running. |
![]() | The Audit section must be added as a sibling node to the JSON entry of PlatformSettingsConfig. It can be located before or after the PlatformSettingsConfig node, but it must be at the same node level. |
![]() | The audit messages for the following two message types are always enabled and do not require explicit enabling. They provide audit messages when the Visibility Permission Delegation feature for Thing Groups is enabled or disabled: com.thingworx.thinggroups.ThingGroup.VisibilityPermissionDelegationEnabled com.thingworx.thinggroups.ThingGroup.VisibilityPermissionDelegationDisabled |