安裝與升級 > 安裝 ThingWorx > 安全性組態
TLS 組態
針對 ThingWorx Platform 配置 SSL/TLS
使用 ThingWorx HA 叢集時,您可針對 ThingWorx Platform 配置 SSL 或 TLS。欲針對 ThingWorx Platform 使用的 Tomcat 配置 SSL 或 TLS,請提供下列環境變數:
ENABLE_HTTPS: true # Enable HTTPS on ThingWorx .
HTTPS_PORT: 8443 # HTTPS port for ThingWorx service discovery. Clients i.e. Cx Server etc. uses this port to communicate to platform.
SERVER_HTTPS_PORT: 8443 # HTTPS port for Tomcat.
HTTPS_SERVICE_NAME: thingworx-https # Service name for HTTPS ThingWorx. Default is "thingworx-https".
SSL_KEYSTORE_BASE_PATH: /certs # SSL keystore base path for Tomcat.
SSL_KEYSTORE_FILENAME: platform.pfx # SSL keystore file name for Tomcat.
SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD: password # SSL keystore password for Tomcat.
TOMCAT_SSL_PROTOCOLS: TLSv1.2 # SSL protocol. Multiple can be provided as "TLSv1+TLSv1.1+TLSv1.2"