The Slider widget is available as a standard widget in the platform and as web component that you can import from an SDK. |
Property Name | Description | Base Type | Default Value | Bindable? (Y/N) | Localizable? (Y/N) | ||
label | The text that appears in the label of the slider. | STRING | N/A | Y | Y | ||
labelAlignment | Aligns the widget label to the Left, Right, or Center. | STRING | Left | Y | N | ||
LabelType | Sets the label type as Header, Sub-Header , Label, or Body. | STRING | Label | Y | N | ||
Value | Sets or binds the slider value.
| NUMBER | N/A | Y | N | ||
CustomClass | Defines the CSS to the top div of the widget.When entering multiple classes, separate each class with a space. | STRING | N/A | Y | N | ||
TabSequence | Sets the sequence in which a widget is highlighted when you press TAB. | NUMBER | N/A | N | N | ||
EndValue | The slider value for the second handle when in range selection mode. | NUMBER | N/A | Y | N | ||
EndValueChanged | Triggers an event when the end value for the slider is changed. | N/A | N/A | Y | N | ||
Minimum | Sets the minimum value for the slider. | NUMBER | 0 | Y | N | ||
Maximum | Sets the maximum value for the slider. | NUMBER | 100 | Y | N | ||
SteppingMode | Select to move the slider by a specific number of steps for each click. | BOOLEAN | False | N | N | ||
StepSize | Sets the change in value for each step the slider moves.
| NUMBER | N/A | Y | N | ||
NumberOfSteps | Sets the number of steps the slider moves for each click.
| NUMBER | N/A | Y | N | ||
ValuePrecision | Sets the number of digits to show after the decimal point for the slider value. | NUMBER | N/A | N | N | ||
DisplayValueLabel | Sets the display option for the slider value label to Yes, No, or On Drag. | STRING | Yes | N | N | ||
EditableValue | Enables you to move the handle by editing the value label in the mashup. | BOOLEAN | False | N | N | ||
DisplayMinMaxLabels | Displays the labels of the minimum and maximum values. | BOOLEAN | True | N | N | ||
HandleSize | Sets the handle size in pixels. | NUMBER | N/A | N | N | ||
TrackSize | Sets the track size in pixels. | NUMBER | N/A | N | N | ||
TrackAlignment | Aligns the track on the Center, Start, or End of the slider. | STRING | Center | N | N | ||
FullTrack | Extends the slider track to fully contain the handle icon. | BOOLEAN | False | Y | N | ||
MinValueLabel | Specifies the label for the minimum value. | STRING | MIN | Y | Y | ||
MaxValueLabel | Specifies the label for the maximum value. | STRING | MAX | Y | Y | ||
HandleIcon | Controls the shape of the handle icon as None, Circle or Split. | STRING | Circle | N | N | ||
SecondHandleIcon | Selects a media entity for the second handle icon as None, Circle or Split. | STRING | Circle | N | N | ||
MinSideIcon | Specifies an icon for the minimum side. | MEDIA ENTITY | N/A | N | N | ||
MinIconSize | Controls the size of the minimum value icon. Options: Small Medium, Large, or XLarge | STRING | Medium | Y | N | ||
MaxSideIcon | Selects an icon for the maximum side. | MEDIA ENTITY | N/A | N | N | ||
MaxIconSize | Controls the size of the maximum value icon. Options:Small, Medium, Large, or XLarge | STRING | N/A | Y | N | ||
RangeSelection | Adds a second handle and enables range selection on the slider. | BOOLEAN | False | N | N | ||
VerticalSlider | Changes the slider orientation to vertical. | BOOLEAN | False | N | N | ||
ReverseMinMaxValues | Reverses the position of the minimum and maximum values. | BOOLEAN | False | N | N | ||
ReverseLabelPosition | Reverses the label positions of the minimum and maximum values | BOOLEAN | False | N | N | ||
OverlapHandle | Enables overlap between the two slider handle, when range selection is enabled. | BOOLEAN | False | N | N | ||
ValueChanged | Triggers an event when the slider value is changed. | N/A | N/A | Y | N | ||
Increment | A bindable service that increments the slider value. | N/A | N/A | Y | N | ||
Decrement | A bindable service that decrements the slider value. | N/A | N/A | Y | N | ||
IncrementSecondHandle | A bindable service that increments the value of the second handle when range selection mode is enabled. | N/A | N/A | Y | N | ||
DecrementSecondHandle | A bindable service that decrements the value of the second handle when range selection mode is enabled. | N/A | N/A | Y | N | ||
Disabled | Disables the widget in the mashup. The widget remains visible but is not interactive. | BOOLEAN | False | Y | N | ||
HandleTooltipField | Displays a tooltip text when you hover over the slider handle. | STRING | N/A | Y | Y | ||
HandleTooltipIcon | Sets an icon image for the tooltip of the slider handle. | MEDIA ENTITY | N/A | N | N | ||
SecondHandleTooltipField | Displays a tooltip text when you hover over the slider second handle.
| STRING | N/A | Y | Y | ||
SecondHandleTooltipIcon | Sets an icon image for the tooltip of the slider second handle.
| MEDIA ENTITY | N/A | N | N |
Property | Description | Base Type | Default Value | Bindable (Y/N) | Localizable (Y/N) |
CriteriaMessage | The message to display for the validation criteria and when the validation fails. | STRING | n/a | Y | Y |
CriteriaMessageDetails | The details to display for the validation criteria and failure message. | STRING | n/a | Y | Y |
MaxValidValue | The maximum slider value that users can set the validation. | STRING | n/a | Y | N |
MaxValueFailureMessage | The message to display when the slider value is higher than the maximum valid value. | NUMBER | ${value} is the maximum value | Y | Y |
MinValidValue | The minimum slider value that users can set the validation. | STRING | n/a | Y | N |
MinValueFailureMessgae | The message to display when the slider value is lower than the minimum valid value. | NUMBER | ${value} is the minimum value | Y | Y |
ShowValidationCriteria | Shows a hint message about the required input when editing the slider. | BOOLEAN | False | Y | N |
ShowValidationFailure | Show a failure message when the entered value fails the validation. | BOOLEAN | False | Y | N |
ShowValidationState | A bindable service that enables you to display the validation state before a user interacts with the widget at run time. By default, the validation state is only displayed after user interaction. | Service | n/a | In | N |
ShowValidationSuccess | Show a success message when the entered value is validated as successful. | BOOLEAN | False | Y | N |
SucessMessgae | The message to display when the value is valid | STRING | n/a | Y | Y |
SuccessMessageDetails | A secondary message that displays more information about the validation success message. | STRING | n/a | Y | Y |
Validate | A bindable event that is triggered when the widget value is changed. Bind this event to service or function to apply a validation pattern or expression. | event | n/a | Y | N |
ValidationCriteriaIcon | Select SVG icon to display within the hint message for validation criteria. | IMAGELINK | info | N | N |
ValidationFailureIcon | Sets the SVG icon to display within the status message when the validation fails. | IMAGELINK | error | N | N |
ValidationOutput | Retrieves the output of the widget validation. Returned values are Undefined,Unvalidated ,Valid , orInvalid. | STRING | n/a | Y | N |
ValidationState | A bindable property that sets the validation state. You can set this property to Undefined Unvalidated Valid, Invalid. | STRING | Undefined | Y | N |
ValidationSuccessIcon | Select an SVG icon to display within the statues message when the validation succeeds. | IMAGELINK | success | N | N |